Friday, April 16, 2010

Keeper Of The Home...

Even Our Pets Like It When We Are Home,
~Today is a rainy day and it feels so cozy to be home! Our homes are more than just a house on a street in any city or state, or any place in the world. But rather where there is the opportunity to keep our families, loved and fed and given wise instruction. We all need a place to feel safe and appreciated.

I feel very strongly that there has been an assignment against us women, from the enemy to make our calling as "keepers of the home" a burden and telling us this really won't satisfy you. Yes, I know this is a very old tactic, but once again he is up to his old tricks.

So my prayer for all women, young and old is this, Do Not listen to the enemy. Instead, take this as a time to count your blessings and take joy in being a"keeper of the home". Make some cookies, change the living room around, do anything that screams I LOVE being home and I take My calling very seriously. For I am a world changer one day at a time for the ones God has given me the privilege to serve!

My cat is one of those cats that just lay around, but really she is glad when there is someone who is at home, even our animals don't want to be alone. ~



  1. Such a lovely lovely post Roxy!! I needed to hear this.

    I am SO GLAD you got your computer working again. I missed you!

    Much love!


  2. Roxy, I just love the post. It makes me feel so cozy inside and breathes that encouragement I always love to have to take great delight in the job the Lord has given me. It is something we "Keepers of the Home" need to hear often. By the way, I am not at home keeping it right now:) I am with Nathan and Himilce, helping to keep their home:), Steve is at home keeping our home- I think he's ready for me to come home and do my own keeping Ha ha. So I will see you in a few days.
    Love you

  3. Oh Roxy,
    I needed to hear this. Just reading what you said blessed me. I LOVE rearranging the furniture!!! And yes I will do this when I start feeling that voice whisper in my ear or I see the laundry piling sky high and I rather go back to bed. I will remember your wise words dear friend.
    So glad your back at your desk writing again. Just missing you like crazy.

  4. Hello Roxy,

    Great post. I relish in the fact that I am a Keeper of the Home and try to encourage other gals too! It truly is a special privelege and what better privelege than knowing that we are creating a safe, loving, warm, cozy and GODLY environment for our families :)


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!