Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Wyoming Country...

I have been transported to a wild west territory, Wyoming! It is the town of Cody. I am actually here on assignment to check out a college with my best friend and her daughter. I believe I was honored to be able to come. The drive was very long, but when you have someone to talk and laugh with the time goes more quickly (ha-ha). What a privilege to be with a mother and daughter as they see the future home of their newly graduated daughter.
I can just imagine the wonderful and exciting adventures ahead for her, and I also can feel the emotions that must be running through her heart. What!! So far from home, Hello what was I thinking!
But as I walked around the campus all Could see was opportunity calling and knowledge crying out. Dreams just waiting to be dreamed.
So, go my sweet girl your time has come to grow and become all that God has given you to do.
You Go Girl!!


  1. What an exciting time for your friend's daughter Roxy :) You are a good freidn to travel :) I have never been to Wyoming but I bet it is beautiful.

    Your hair looks so cute! I hope you are having a wonderful day in Him :)


  2. Sooo happy you were able to go too Roxy! It sounds like a lot of fun!

    I agree with Sharon your hair looks so cute!

    Such a nice update, been missing you! Much much love,


  3. Well Girl friend, have you recovered yet? How is your backside feeling? Thanks so much for going with me (and Olga). You are a friend indeed; and I had a ball.
    Love you,

  4. Hi Roxy, I am happy for you that you were able to share in this wonderful time with your friend and her daughter. Yes it is a very exciting time but also a time of a feeling of uncertainty, But God is always so faithful. I truly believe that your presence was a great comfort for your friend.
    Enjoy your week.


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