Thursday, July 15, 2010

Breakfast Of Champions...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...
Now, this is what I am talking about!

 In the heat of summer mornings I love to get into the word and drink my tea.
 I wait for His still small voice to speak His words of encouragement.
 I want His direction for where He is working and what He has assigned to me.
 He is just waiting for me to seek His face and His words for this day.
 I awake so hungry for His presence and His direction!
 Our Father, is just waiting to load each one of us with His daily benefits
 My hunger for Him can be filled by just sitting at His feet and thanking Him for all He has for me.
 I then begin to declare all the promises of His word for me and others.
 Open Heavens our over us!

Blessed be the Lord, Who daily loads us with benefits. The God of our salvation! Psalm68:19

God has said He will fill those who hunger and thirst after Him. (Open Your Mouth Wide)

Our breakfast:
 Vanilla yogurt with fresh blueberries and strawberries, also vanilla flavored granola on top, then just a teaspoon of lemon flavored Cod Liver Oil. Yummy and good for us.

We are going camping and I am so looking forward to seeing what the Lord will speak
 In the mountains of His creation. For I have ears to hear.
 I send my love out to all my sisters in Christ Jesus for in Him we our family.

Living From Glory To Glory


  1. Oh I just LOVE this time you speak of. It soothes my soul just reading it. I love you so much dear Roxy, I hope you have a beautiful camping trip. I can't wait to hear and see all your fun.

    P.S. I so loved reading all about your breakfast. It looks and sounds so yummy!

    I am also pleased to be the first one to leave a comment LOL! I beat Elizabeth and Mom! YEAH!!

    ~ Marie

  2. Enjoyed your words here today.
    I too love my time alone with
    my Lord in the morning(evening
    too). His Word is my source of
    life and I eat it and am renewed.
    Your breakfast looks delicious.

  3. Ditto what Marie and Sandy said! And I just love the picture! So inviting!

    Happy Camping Roxy!!!! :)

  4. He does indeed feed us and He loves when we are hungry doesn't He? Love your picture and your post sweet friend. Hope your camping trip is wonderful.
    Much love

  5. Beautiful post Roxy!!! He does fill our every need with His very Being. Have a wonderful (and safe) time camping and savoring His creation!



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