Monday, July 5, 2010

Roses and Faith...

                                                           The sweetness of the Lord

                           A rose is a rose, but yet they have many names and colors and sizes.
               I always love the name The Rose Of Sharon which is not even really a rose at all.

The steps of a good man or a woman are ordered of the Lord!

 Every step we take is really a step of faith. How can anyone walk in faith?
 Because our God is a good God!! He is always going before us.
 We are not blazing the trail of our own lives,
 But rather walking in faith as our steps are ordered by Him.
 I love how the Word cries out, Deep calls to Deep.
 Now don't get me wrong any body can walk off  a cliff, and it would be a long way down.
 But, rather take a sure step on solid ground, even if it's covered by water (FAITH).

"To you it has been given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God"
 Mark 4:11

Blessings, Roxy


  1. Yes, It is really wonderful to be up while it is still quiet and enjoy those moments with Him before the world becomes chaotic. I love your beautiful rose. It is like the loveliness of the Lord and His creation.
    Love you

  2. Great post Roxy :)

    I love the verse you quoted from Mark. Such a blessing and privilege to know the mysteries of God. It just leaves me in awe!

    Have a most wonderful day in Him Roxy! Oh and your Rose photo is just beautiful!



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