Tuesday, August 3, 2010

August Fun...

Good Morning,
  I was just thinking that it was time to reveal some of these last few weeks episodes of my life. Well, remember the camping trip we took. Wonderful time, we had a blast!
Mountain air, a stream for the boys to play in. Now everyone must of been in the mountains because we could not find a place to camp for nothing. My son said he has never experienced this problem ever. Now, I am thinking you gotta be kidding! Thank God a sweet little lady came over to us after we stopped at a place that was FULL and she told us where we could find a spot. GOD bless this lady! We finally arrived at our place that the Father saved for us (reservations made in heavenly places).

OK, to the point I came home with the worst virus from swimming in a hot pool that was filled with who knows what. It was the first time I actually put my head under the water, I may have licked my lips!!(YIKES). Also the END of any possible good hair day on this trip.
This pool experience was thankfully done on our last day of our vacation.

Home again home again jiggity jig.

Sick and tired for almost a week Now when they say don't drink the water. Don't Drink The Water or in my case lick your lips, or dunk your head!

We have washed the windows (MY HUSBAND)!! I washed  all the screens and blinds and curtains.
 And then ironed the curtains and put them back up.
 I swatted flies till my wrist hurt
Granddaughter turned 10 what does that make me? Older than her...
The point I am trying to make is this I will enjoy every last bit and portion of this month of August. I love all you out there who have taken the time to read of my life and portion that God has given me. It is all good because we our all learning and growing in His love and Grace. We are a family and He is our Father.

The whole earth has a virus and it is sin and the Lord has given us the antidote to heal and cure the effects of sin. Jesus Christ and His word, take it at least three times a day! Pray and rest in his love.

Blessings, Roxy


  1. It’s hard to think that it already August were has the summer gone? I would love to see the apron that you worked on for the state fair. Make sure that you take a photo of it. So you guys are pulling weeds, Well I have some here that you can pull, you know since you on a roll. I glad to hear that you’re feeling better. It’s so hard to get things done when you not feeling good. So you guys are fall cleaning? Oh, fall boy do I miss the seasons here. I love seeing the trees change colors. Well enjoy the last few weeks of summer. We love very much.
    Love Ashley Marie

  2. So sorry to hear about your virus Roxy. I am glad that you are feeling better. I had no idea. I do love to hear about what you all are up to. Sounds so cozy picturing you and sweet Danny doing your fall cleaning around the house and outside.

    LOVING you and MISSING you :(
    ~ Marie

  3. Oh Roxy! I am so sorry to hear that you were very ill. I hope you are better now. What a sweetie your honey is to help wash windows, mine does that too :) I truthfully cannot wait for summer to be over, I LOVE Autumn :)

    Have a blessed day Roxy and be sure to get the rest you need.

  4. Oh Roxy, well, I am trying not to giggle out loud as I am finally getting a chance to post. but guess what time it is? Yes, late at night and I am trying not to wake Stevie. Hee hee. But I had to comment; your post made me laugh, the way you tell things always makes me laugh... and I am even now thinking of little Marshal dumping out your only coffee creamer that you had while you were up there and after all what's a camping trip with out coffee, and what's a cup of coffee with out cream? "its so hard to have fun these days isn't it? Speaking of that problem, My poor kids and grandkids are all sick over here...I think you may be glad you didn't get together with us after all... you don't need another virus. But what a delight to be with our kids and grand kids huh? The memories are delightful.

    I like the picture of you and Ashley by the way. And congratulations on having a ten year old grand daughter (smile, sigh). Yes, they and we all keep getting older. who would have thought that time would fly so quickly.

    Yours, Pam

  5. I know I always say it Roxy, but when ever I come over to your page I leave refreshed. I am so sorry you have been sick. Hearing about all the cleaning and mowing makes me want to get up right now and clean! Love you !

    ~ Elizabeth


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