Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Regal Red Metal Chairs...

I wanted to post a picture of a couple of those red chairs, I told you all about that I have been painting this summer. Here they are!! I think I painted about 12 chairs, all Regal Red of course.
It started out fun until the fumes got to me and the snake incident. But the job had to be completed. My oldest grandson  was a huge help and my daughter in law come in at the end. She saved me and finished the last glider for me. That was painted a clean, crisp white.
We call it our outside living room. We do spend a lot of time outside sitting and eating Popsicle's.
Have a great day and be blessed.


  1. The chairs are a beautiful
    red and it sounds like the
    sweetest of pleasures just
    sitting outside and enjoying
    a tasty treat.

  2. Beautiful beautiful beautiful! Inspiring!!! :D

  3. I love the red chairs Roxy! Just beautiful and work for any season. I can just imagine sitting on one in the heat with a popsicle dripping down my arm ;)

    Have a beautiful day!

  4. Mom the chairs look so good!!!! I am so glad that Clay- man was there to help you out! I miss setting outside in the red chairs or that 70 glider you have. When it’s cooling down for the day and eating fudge and orange sickles. Have one for me. Miss you so much.
    With love Ash


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