Sunday, November 7, 2010

A Hand Stitched Apron... A Lovely Gift...

Home Maker, Living From Glory To Glory Blog
Here is my lovely apron that was made for me, it was such a beautiful material
  And hand stitched  and made with much love and diligence.

 It was so much fun to receive an apron in the mail.

 My apron is like a rose garden, a light green background and pink and red roses,
 with a splash of violets!
Will we sew in heaven?
 I love to think on those things, will we get to read a good book?
Kiss those we love and listen to those songs that brings happiness to our hearts.
God created us each to love and creating was His idea.
 I love to be inspired and to learn new things.
 So thanks to all my blogging sisters, let's grow and create homes of love and peace together.

Living From Glory To Glory


  1. This is lovely!!!
    I like the picture of you in it! It is perfect for you! Feminine, colorful. :-D
    Love it!
    I hope we'll be able to sew, and cook, and love on our families in heaven, it just wouldn't be perfect without it! :-D

  2. Oh! Roxy, what a beautiful apron, and you look so pretty wearing it.
    I have often had the same questions too, and I would think we will. God has given us these creative talents and I think He will, or at least I hope He will let me continue doing what love to do. Thank you for the encouragement to grow. I was so blessed by reading this.

  3. I think we will Roxy! And what a beautiful thought and picture! I LOVE your apron! It is sooooo cute! As you probably know, Missy and I are doing a swap too! I am excited :D I love you dear friend!

  4. Hi Roxy, I just got your message on the phone; but its a little late to call back now, so I will give you a call tomorrow when I'm in between flights if time allows.
    I love your apron Rox. Jodi did a lovely job didn't she?
    And yes, I know that Heaven will be full of joy, happiness, lovin, creativity (as you said; Our Lord is a creative Lord... it is one of His attributes...I believe we will do many delightful things in heaven...not just clouds and harps like the movies portra). After all we have a sample of heaven's goodness here on the earth which our Lord created, and He tells us it is a shadow of things to come.
    Love you,

  5. Oh what fun!
    I love to get things in the mail!
    One of my followers/friends made me a chicken apron. I love it!
    Hope you have a great evening!

  6. Mom I love that apron. It is so pretty. Just looks great on you!! Keep up the good work

  7. I still enjoy the yellow, black and white print apron you made for me! Thank you again.


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