Monday, March 7, 2011

Being Prepared...

Being Prepared...

We are living in some pretty perilous days, wars and rumors of wars!
Sound familiar?
I want to encourage each and everyone out there to think very seriously, about how well prepared you are for a winter storm or drought?
Or how well prepared are you for even a small natural disaster?

We would be wise stewards if we would be prepared to feed and take care of our families if something should happen.
Walmart is not our provider and we should not look for it to even care
 about what we might need in days of woe.
 We should learn something from a generation gone by
 as to what a family had and put up or put back.

 Being prepared

I was watching the birds this morning and they were out there just looking for food
 and coming in huge flocks to eat from our bird feeder.
 And I said even the birds know when a storm is coming!
 It has started to snow and wind is blowing, the birds are hunkered down for the night.

I think being a wise woman requires us to be prepared for,
Unemployment situations, storms, hard times!
Be not foolish, but build a pantry stock to provide for your family...

Be A Pantry Prepper...

Living From Glory To Glory


  1. Miss Roxy,
    This was well put! Walmart is not our provider, the Lord is and He wants us to be good stewards, not because we are living in fear but just taking care of our families. I'm looking foreward to reading your pantry blogs!! Mine is in desperate need of stocking at the moment and I know you'll have some great ideas.

  2. What a wonderful post.
    Yes~ we an prepare as the ants who are so wise but we must also trust that God will supply our needs.

    I love the look of your blog~oh so pretty.
    I just enjoyed my visit here tonight!

  3. Roxy, this was so well put. It inspires me all over again. Love the bird picture and scripture, and the reference to the birds knowing about storms coming... they sure do know about storms coming don't they? I was just talking to Eddie the other day how they all tend to flock together when its getting ready to snow. Also, the Walmart reference made thing of a wierd dream I had about Walmart last night... Walmart is definitely not our provider (heaven forbid). Can't wait to see what you post. Also looking forward to our get together.
    Much Love, Pam

  4. Such a comfort reading your blog Roxy. And yes I am so looking forward to reading your next up coming posts on the pantry, or as I love to refer to it as the larder :)

    I too am concerned about keeping our eyes on Jesus and making sure we understand the times, feeling as if he is speaking to his sheep and encouraging us to take shelter this year under his wings.

    ~ Marie


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!