Monday, August 8, 2011


Being a vessel !
We are given each day as a gift.
We can yield ourselves to the Lord and allow the Holy Spirit to fill us afresh.
I am learning each day to hear His voice with more clarity.

I am convicted to see if there is any false belief system in my life.

Will what I believe, hold up under a strong North wind? (Song Of Songs 4:16a)

Is my foundation totally built on The solid rock?


I love that the lover of my soul teaches and corrects me each step of this walk with Him.

We are the Bride of the lamb that was slain.

He is coming one day for His Bride.

This picture I took, it is of a pitcher which is a vessel to be used, to be poured out.

And the apple speaks of His fruit in our lives, we can all nourish someone with His substance He gives us. We must choose to spend time with Him so we have something to give.

You can't give what you don't pocess!


  1. Well said Miss Roxy!
    I dreamt about you last night...
    Remember that nit when all the boys went out, (probably to shoot at something) and you and I sat at the kitchen table and drank tea and just "girl talked"? :-) I really enjoyed that!
    I'm going to go "fill up" right now so when my kiddos get up I have something good to share ;-)
    Have a great day!

  2. I love your picture Rox... I think I remember when you took it. I like your blog remodel. It looks really, really pretty.

    Talk to you soon.
    Much Love,


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!