Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Pumpkin or the Jack- o'- lantern?


What will be harvested from our days here on this earth?
Even a pumpkin can produce more of his kind (if nonGMO)
Pulp that produces luscious bread or muffins.
Seeds to enjoy and snack on.
Fruitful life!

OK mind my own business (Not)
Why would anyone take a wonderful beautiful pumpkin,
and carve it into a face or design.
What lies behind this ritual every October 31st?
Google it my dear Watson!

I know I will hide my identity.
I will dress-up and Who will not recognize me?
Evil and scary is the new cool

The spirit behind this is not just fun, but rather fear.
Also, I believe it gives way to more of an interest in occult practices.

Want candy?
Kids just wanna have fun?
Everyone does it!

I have prayed about putting this post up and I felt a huge opposition!

The Word Of God says to stay away  from even the appearance of evil.

I will trick you if you don't treat me.

Harvest should be the time of the pondering of the fruits of the spirit.
Not witches and devils and bats and cats and ghost.
Come on people!
We are called to be separate from the world, not join in to all their occult interest.
Harry Potter
Movies of just plain evil and demonic.
Wake up America this stuff is real not just make believe.
OK I feel better!
 God loves us and what we do and what we participate in will effect you and your children.
Now if you have God's blessing in this  (please disregard).

jack-o'-lantern= The carved pumpkin may have originated with the witches' use of a skull with a candle in it to light the way to coven meetings.
(probably a good witch)

1 comment:

  1. You are quite right about the origins of the jack-o-lantern. In fact, I believe it began as a turnip that was hollowed out if memory serves me right. Halloween is a hard thing for parents to make decisions about if they are thoughtful about raising their children.

    We did carve pumpkins. Liz Curtis Higgs' The Pumpkin Patch Parable was part of our yearly tradition. Here is my husband, Lowell's, explanation of why we do it.


    Be blessed my friend!


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!