Friday, November 18, 2011

Occupy Till I Return...

Occupy till I Return

So much is going on in the world, yet we cannot be taken off course.
We are called to run our race.
It is a race of endurance.
God is the same He never changes.

Riots in the streets, people crying out for justice.
Will this get worse?
I know, let's all just pretend it's not happening!
Open your eyes people.
The change is coming!

Perilous Days

You hear people all the time saying how busy they are
 I don't have much time.

Busy Busy Busy

"What Be Still"

So many books to read.
Did you see that new movie?
Are you busy every day of the week?

Maybe we are just a wee-bit preoccupied!
Ask yourselves,
Do we often become preoccupied with the circumstances?

Being occupied till He returns is His idea.
What does  being occupied look like?

Being about My Father's business!!
