Saturday, September 15, 2012

Charming Wash Tubs

Wash Tubs
These wonderful charming wash tubs.
They speak of days gone by,
They were used for children's bath times many moons ago.
Women even used them to do laundry in with a wash board.
As a little girl my Grandmother would fill it with fresh
water every morning in the summer.  And we had our own
swimming pool!
Each one of my own grandchildren have
had the memories of a good time and summer fun
in their own tubs.
Making memories!
Take the time to have fun...
Spend time with those you love...
Sit at the Fathers feet, and thank the Lord above.
For time with your children is short, like a blink...
Days gone by, only memories!
Midlife crisis is that moment when you realize your children
and your clothes are about the same age.
Blessings, Roxy


  1. Oh Rox,

    I love that you did a post on those wash tubs. I have always delighted in them when I come to your house.... how fun for those little grandsons. They will definitely have memories to treasure. I loved hearing about your grandma and the washtubs.. I didn't know that it was a family tradition.

    Such a sweet post Rox.

    Love ya,


  2. I love old wash tubs! :)

    Thank you for your encouraging comment on my blog a bit ago. I truly appreciate it. The sin of selfishness and greed are something I struggle with terribly. I don't necessarily feel the need to be "rich" but I continually have a want to renovate my house....despite the fact that money and time are lacking!

    I appreciate you sharing what you's good to know others are diligently praying for contentment as well!


  3. Very sweet post. The last statement made me smile out loud!

  4. What happy memories your grandsons are making! Beautiful little washtubs and I loved hearing about your Grandma filling one up for you. I will have to keep an eye out for these now!

  5. Um, I think I'm at midlife crisis then Roxy. I was thinking about how old my wool coat is. I can remember carrying my 19 year old in it as a newborn!


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