Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Fears Of Blogging...

I was just frozen with fear!
It came upon me with one little click of a button.
Trying to change my background turned into a
Maiden in distress.
I warned my  Hubby if I start to scream, I have just erased my Blog!
I still don't know if your suppose to remove your old background, before adding the new one.
Can anyone answer this for me?
I fully understand the dangers in Blogging.
I need support.
I must conquer my fears!
Feeling dizzy and weak!
Need nourishment!!!
Now, let me ask you other bloggers out there, before you had 7 zillion followers
Have YOU ever experienced this??
My sweet hubby applied his reading glasses and  tried to help me
Find the answers in my newly purchased Google Blogger For Dummies book.
I really do not know what I did, but my Blog is still alive
Blogging has definitely been a learning curve for me!
I have enjoyed having a place to love and encourage others.
May we not be fearful, But rather grow in new skills
And Beyond...

Blessings, Roxy


  1. Oh Roxy, your blog looks amazing and not only that, I HEAR YOU! It is frightening!!! You are so brave! I have always relied on someone to help me and I love that you are reading a blogging book! Your new look is mouth opening gorgeous!

    Love you and you keep up the great work!!!

  2. I am so proud of you, I have it so much easier, I let Jon figure it out for me and then he shows me how. You are a true Pioneer!! I love that you got a blgging book! I found a food blogging book for Dummies a couple of weeks ago and I loved it!!!

    Love you and Danny so much!
    You always make me laugh Roxy!!


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!