Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Granchildren Our Inheritance

Our precious one!
Here is a sweet picture of our 7th grandchild.
His name is David 
He is 4 months old now.
I have yet to hold him in my arms,
For he lives far away from his Grandma and Papa.
He looks so much like his Momma when she was but a baby.
I know that there are many Grandma's who know the heartache
of having their precious grandchildren so far away.
But we as parents all know it it part of our job,
to raise our children to have roots.
Bur also to have wings to go wherever the Lord
leads them.
Blessings, Roxy


  1. Blessings to you too, Roxy! Thank you for stopping by and leaving your sweet comment @ Our Little Town. It has been sometime ago, I wanted to make sure you knew how much I appreciated you stopping by and "visiting". Your blog is lovely, I will have to add you to my list!

  2. Oh he is precious Roxy! And already growing so fast! I thought he looked like Ashley too! Always love your writing and your thoughts Roxy. So happy that you have been sharing them with us :)

  3. Roxy,
    That was such a sweet post. He is just adorable. Anytime you are missing your grand kids, feel free to come over and hang out with your neighbors. (ha-ha) I love all that you write, it's always encouraging!
    Love you bunches,

  4. That was very sweet! And I am sure he can not wait to have you hold him either. I am sure you will get to hold him real soon. We all miss you guys.


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