Friday, October 19, 2012

Needing Fellowship

Life would be lonely,
If only you had no one to share it with.
Needing fellowship,
as much as I need air.
Christ is the head,
We are His body.
We come together,
He is in our midst.
Take time to love and share.
Show that you care,by actions and words.
Moments of understanding
are worth a thousand words.
Precious indeed,
is the understanding
of a friend.
Friends: a blessing to cherish for life.
Blessings, Roxy


  1. So sweet Roxy. What a blessing you are and have always been to us all. You and Danny have been there through so many ups and downs and you always make me laugh and bring a smile to my face. You are like honey balm whenever you are around. Missing you so much...

  2. I ditto what Elizabeth said. Proverbs tells us "there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother". That's you guys; definitely a blessing to cherish for life. What are you up to? I just made a batch of Amy's macaroni and cheese and put it in the oven instead of the crockpot. I am going to sit here while it is cooking and do a little blogging.

    Love you


  3. Love the tea cups! And your so right we do need fellowship with other ladies! I am very glad that you have Pam to have tea with and fellowship with. Miss you lots!!

  4. I agree with Elzabeth, Pam and Ashley! We all need a friend whether far or near to have fellowship with, a few good laughs, encouragement or a helping hand. We should never feel alone. We are all blessed to have all of you as friends and family!
    Love ya,

  5. Sorry spelled Elizabeth's name wrong. Geesh!

  6. So very thankful for the ladies God has blessed my life with, in person and also here in blogland. Such wonderful ladies, who truly understand when you share what's on your heart. Such precious gifts!


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