Monday, November 26, 2012

Funny Girl...

Now This is Funny

I Really needed a good laugh!

Sometimes a girl just needs a good belly laugh :)

It is a proven fact, laughter is good medicine...
They're our some people that look like they may need a spoonful
Of good medicine.

I really do enjoy a good cup of coffee!

You can find so many facts supporting the benefits of 
Drinking it for health support now days.
But I think just the ritual of making a pot of coffee,
is soothing and comforting.

The world has so many things that want to bring,
worry and stress upon our hearts and home.
So if we can find some comfort and peace
And maybe a good laugh over a cup of coffee;
This my friend is a good thing...

A  cheerful heart is good medicine,
but a crushed spirit dries up
the bones.
Proverbs 17:22

Blessings, Roxy


  1. Hahha that is funny Roxy! I needed a good laugh too! You are always medicine to my bones. If I could get a little dose of you everyday I would be healthy and thriving! I love the scripture as well. I love to think of you doing Christmas crafts and decorating the house! Maybe you'll post some pictures :) I love you!

  2. That's a good one! I'd take laughter over anything, any ol day! (especially screaming from Marshall) It's definitely time to get our thinking caps on for craft ideas for Christmas. Clayton and I have been brain storming all morning for a neat birthday idea for Noah... Think we got something pretty cool planned! Yes, pictures would be nice (for those that don't live next door :o))
    Love ya!

  3. Good Morning Roxy, sorry I haven't been by in awhile. Thanksgiving was just right down here where we live! Non-traditional the day of, but we caught up on our turkey a few days later.

    You are so right, laughter IS good medicine!

  4. Ha ha ha... hehehe. That is a crack up... I think I would like that sign in my kitchen to make me chuckle every morning. Lets see, as far as turkey overload... I think I finally did get a little turkey and mashed potato over load by about Saturday... it was nice to have a lovely prime rib dinner Saturday night as a change of pace. I think I am still recovering from "trip overload", which I am fixing today by resting peacefully. It has been very quiet, and I needed a moment to catch my breathe. I got in last night... as you can see I am blogging peacefully he he. Can't wait to catch up with you. I'll give you a call tomorrow. I have been thinking of Christmas ideas too... haven't come up with a huge brainstorm, but a couple of ideas here and there.... just wanted you to know he he he... yes laughter is good medicine, Thank you Lord for giving us laughter.


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