Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Kitchen Skills

  Making Pies
This picture just brings back such a sweet idea
of home and family.
I  myself can never get past the wholesome heart,
that was always intended for the family.
And it did take heart!
Not the (only myself) attitude.
These skills were not just there by osmosis,
but rather taught and practiced in the home.
As women, wives and mothers,
we have a custom and heritage we must keep alive!
Apple pie
Pumpkin pie
Cherry pie
Pecan pie
The list could go on and on!
Don your aprons ladies...
Baking season has begun:)
Each one should use whatever gift he
has received to serve others.
1Peter 4:10

Blessings, Roxy


  1. I hate to admit that I had to get a little help from Sara Lee this year... yes I am out of my element, and just bought a Sarah Lee.... "nobody does it like Sarah Lee"... you know. Mom and I are doing quite a few other things from scratch though... does that count? I do love homemade pie.

    Your pumpkin pancakes look good. I had seen and pinned them on Pinterest, and one of these days I am going to give them a try.
    Love you, have a great Thanksgiving.
    Miss you... hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving.

  2. You know its bad enough when you repeat yourself when you are talking.. evidently I need a nap, because I am now repeating myself in my blogging comments. He He... sorry

  3. It's okay to buy a homemade pie or even get one from Village Inn now a days, but there isn't anything better than a homemade one! Cherry pie has got to be my all time favorite, but I'll try just about anything that's served to me! :) I love the fact that we should be training our children to be helpers of the home and especially to those that need a helping hand. It's so important these days to have a giving heart!
    I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and just know that you will be missed this year (or I will be missing you for tomorrows events)
    Love ya much,


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