Saturday, December 29, 2012

Bible Reading Plan

Bible Reading
We are on the thresh hold of another new year.
It is a new beginning of so many things.
It is a great time to re-examine  your daily Bible reading
Schedule. Or maybe to use a new Bible all together.
I have just started a new Bible study myself, it will help me
to get focused. I need to get back on track, after the busy
holidays. My morning time with the Lord needs to be
Refreshed and organized,
Here is a list of a few ideas:
  1. Clean off the area you will be using (desk, table etc.)
  2. Get a new journal for notes and prayer request.
  3. Have your concordance and a dictionary handy.
  4. Have a good pen and a highlighter.
  5. Choose a couple of good devotionals to read.
  6. Get yourself a copy of a Bible reading chart.
  7.  Use a Bible you can write and highlight in.
Make a place ready to meet with Him.
May you cherish your quiet time,
and it becomes a treasure to you.
Be a wise woman and seek Him daily!

Here is a web site to print out a Bible reading plan
For this New Year 
Bible Reading Plans

Go to Discipleship Journal
There are 4 different plans to choose from.
Print and enjoy!

Blessings, Roxy


  1. Great minds think alike! I think this is the year to step it up a notch with our faith!! Be bold and have those heart to heart talks with our Lord and Savior! He's listening, so are you talking?! Love it!!
    Thanks so sharing.
    Love ya,

  2. Great suggestions! It is all about starting a habit, and once you do, the blessings from it start to flow and you will be hooked. At least, that is how it was for me when I first started really spending time in the word!

  3. Thank you for sharing the Bible reading plans from NavPress. Lovely blog with lovely soothing messages. Patti


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!