Friday, December 21, 2012



Happy First Day of Winter
Today is the new beginning of another season.
May we not grow weary in doing good.
We are in the last few days of Christmas preparation's,
and baking and wrapping and visiting friends.
Family members may be arriving for Christmas.
It may seem like something is coming to an end,
Ye, another season and new beginning is come.
I always like to make a challenge
for myself, each new season.
This season is to:
Be mindful of my words...
Put on tender mercies,
kindness, humility,
meekness, longsuffering.
Colossians 3:12
Sometimes in the hurry and bustle
we can become careless and hurt those
we love ,with our words.
Like one gals blog she said lets not be Grinchy
Instead of hurling angry words
That wound and stir up strife,
Use words of kindness, filled with love,
That heals and nourish life. -Sper
I pray everyday that the Lord
would set a guard over my mouth.
Blessings To All, Roxy


  1. Lovely post. I am determined not to be Grinchy, and I pray too that the Lord will set a guard over my mouth.

    Merry Christmas

  2. Yep, don't want to be Grinchy either, I just want to be thankful for a new day and Praise God for all that he has done this year and for the years to come. Just soaking in all the Peace and Presence of the Lord.


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