Thursday, January 17, 2013

Laundry Tips For Ladies Clothing

Laundry Room Before

This is my laundry room, it is functional, but plain and
very blah, and clunky.
I really don't mind washing clothes and doing our laundry.
But when it's not a sweet and tidy room,
and without color and decor.
It is just a plain laundry room!
After make-over

Painted and added new shelf
Painted chicken red, and added new sign.
See the Zote soap?
I also love the red and white  enamel tub.
See my enamel bowl  full of clothespins.

I was able to move right into the laundry room,
after we finished the kitchen remodel.
It was much easier and faster!

I think being able to refresh this room has helped me.
It was so plain jane.  Now it is really
clean and tidy.

I put up  pretty sage green  lace curtains over the windows,
and some pretty stripped green curtains over
our food pantry shelves.

Your clothes are an investment!
I believe it is important to take care of them.

A Few Laundry Tips:

If you want to keep your femine clothes nice,
always wash your things(skirts, pretty tops, sweaters etc.)

I also have started using only delicate laundry soap,
on my things.  As I have noticed so much fading
in my colors.

Place your under garments in a garment bag:
and wash your bras, but do not dry in the dryer!
Also, If you wear tights place them in a garment bag
to wash, but hang to dry.

And when you start a load, check water level
and pour soap in first.
Add fabric softener in  its dispenser with a bit of water.

Also, wash only your whites and lights together
your darks separate.

Do not dry your clothes overly dry!
As this is where shrinking comes in.

And some skirts you can just hang, as with some slacks,
to completely dry.
Hang all your skirts up and tops that you keep in
your closet. And fold all the others.

Iron as you need them, or pick a time that works for you.

Now, I know many of you have large families and
a never ending cycle of laundry.
But washing your clothes separate will pay off!

One wise women said:
Laundry never ends!

Blessings, Roxy

She select wool and flax and works with eager hands.
Proverbs 31:13


  1. How fun to spruce up a room that gets so much use.

    Coming over from Imparting Grace.


  2. nice post and nice blog thanks for sharing...blessings

  3. I enjoyed this post. I like your laundry sign and shelf too

    Thank you


  4. Isn't it amazing what a couple of tweaks here and there can do. Very cozy!...Blessings...Pam

  5. Oh Rox, what fun to see the before and afters. I never noticed your laundry room before, but after, it practically tripped me on the way to the kitchen hehe. And to see the pictures, it looks so great. Its amazing what a little color can do in the paint, and then the re-arranging of things, makes ya feel like doing the laundry for sure; I have a couple of big piles I need to catch up on this week, perhaps I will think of your cozy laundry room, and it will help me enjoy doing it all. Loved all your tips, there were a couple I have never done, so now I am going to re-think laundry day.

    Love ya

  6. love your ideas. Thank you for sharing with the Clever Chicks Blog Hop this week; I hope you’ll join us again!

    Kathy Shea Mormino

    The Chicken Chick

  7. Hi Roxy, so happy to meet you. Isn't it funny how doing something as simple as adding a shelf can make such a big difference? You got alot of bang for your buck. Love the enamelware and the red chicken! Great laundry tips also. I dry most of my clothing on a drying rack. Thanks for sharing with Share Your Cup. Now following you.

  8. Such a nice laundry room. Great tips, too!


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