Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Kiss...

Keeping Our Hearts Tender
My, how wonderful it is to be able to greet our husbands
when they come home with a kiss.
I always, even tell him I am so glad your home honey.
It is not enough to only do this once in awhile.
we must always take their arrival home,
as a special thing.
There are some men that do not even want to come home.
Our part is to always make it a comfort zone,
not a battle zone!
When the Lord has asked us to be
 Keepers Of The Home...
He does ask us to establish certain things.
The atmosphere of the home is set and established,
by the woman.
Let Love rule and peace reign...
Sometimes it just means to wait and choose
A better time to discuss a matter that,
may be pressing.
I encourage you to keep your home with diligence;
For the thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy.
The home is where the enemy always is
trying to bring confusion and strife.
Keep your hearts tender, always remember
"The Kiss"
Blessings, Roxy

1 comment:

  1. These words speak to my heart tonight. My husband is traveling for business for a few days. I also got a health diagnosis that was very disturbing this week. I can see myself cherishing my time with my husband far more than I have in the past.


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