Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Promise Of Spring Flowers And Cracked Pots

I Love A Spring Bouquet Of Flowers
For lo, the winter is past,
The rain is over and gone,
The flowers appear on the earth;
The time of singing has come,
And the voice of the turtledove
Is heard in our land.
Song of Solomon 2:11,12
A New Tea Serving Set
I just wanted to post this lovely tea pot, it came with both
a sugar bowel and a creamer.
It is very old and is from England.
My very kind and generous husband bought this for me,
a few weeks back.
Isn't it just lovely?
We found it at an antique store in our town.
I have never had such a beautiful tea pot.
I was so blessed and happy, I decided to have a
dear friend out for lunch and tea.
Well, to my horror shortly after we finished
our lunch and tea. We noticed a crack on the tea pot,
from the top to the bottom.
I truly did cry!
My husband was so sorry for me...
Well, I still can use the sugar bowl and the creamer!
I will post again showing you what I did with the cracked tea pot!
Happy Spring!
Blessings, Roxy


  1. I would have cried!!!! Such a beautiful tea pot, too! I will be back to see what you did!

  2. I adore and collect English china, this is a beauty!! So sorry it cracked on you but would look adorable with a plant in it!

  3. Hello Roxy~
    Praying for you today!

    Hope you are having a sunshiny morning.

  4. Hello Roxy~
    Praying for you today!

    Hope you are having a sunshiny morning.


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