Saturday, April 27, 2013

A Labor Of Service

    A Labor Of Love
    He Loves us so Much.

    He humbled Himself.

    He washed their feet.

    He knelt and prayed.

    He laid down His life.

How many times a day have we all had to stoop over to tie a little one's shoe,
 or pick up something that had fallen to the floor.
There was a day when we would kneel and pray.
Posture and body language speaks very loud and sends a message.
 Never be so proud or un-willing to help at any level.
Let us be the one to volunteer with no complaining or griping.
Treasure these things in your heart;
Loving your wee ones for they will soon leave the nest.
Take joy in keeping your home.
Love your mate with your whole heart.
Give thanks with a grateful heart.
 Labor of love,
His love,



  1. Hey Roxy! I needed this reminder this morning. I was just grumbling to myself about all of the laundry I seem to be constantly washing and drying and putting away. Now that it's nice out, the kids are out playing more and getting dirty, muddy, or wet and changing outfits during the day. That translates to more laundry! Thanks for the encouragement!

  2. This is a beautiful reminder. If we could only remember that everything we do for good or to help others brings glory to God, we might not grumble so much about having to do it! Thanks so much for sharing...:)

    Blessings, Vicky
    Life On Willie Mae Lane

  3. Just last week, I revisited a favorite site of mine, one that has links to several Elisabeth Elliot talks. She is like a dear old, friend. I listened to her daily on a local radio station, while raising my babies, and I just love her sweet gentle reminders, that all things can be done for God's glory. All things...even the little tiny jobs, they bring God glory when we do them "as unto the Lord".


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!