Thursday, May 30, 2013

Dangers Of Carring A Cell Phone In Your Bra

The Word Is Out!
Dear Ones,
   I have just become aware of a danger that is lurking and preying on women.
 It is the carrying of cell phones in a Women's bra!
 I was very shocked to realize this, as I was not aware
 That woman even carried it there
 I have always carried it in my purse or my pocket.
But this is about the younger women and those who do not carry a purse.
I want to make others aware of this very scary practice.
 Let us help educate those who are doing this.

 This is the video clip that was sent to me!
 You can google this some more as I believe there are a few others clips
 on this precious young lady that has lost her breast.
And because she did not know the dangers of carrying
A cell phone next to her chest.
 Also, this same danger can affect men also!



  1. I had not heard of women carrying cell phones on their breasts. I like to keep mine off my body as much as possible. Technology might be good for some things, but not always expedient. Thanks for the info.

  2. Oh, my! I never heard of this practice either, but that's such a tragedy to hear it can cause cancer.

    I've heard we should try to hold cell phones slightly away from the ear because of the dangers, but never even thought of someone doing this.

    I have to say that you may have had the most attention-getting title on TGIF today and you didn't even mention bra on it. : )

    Thanks for linking

  3. Very scary stuff. I shared this on my Facebook page. I think we need to get the word out there!
    Thanks for sharing.

  4. Wow, I hadn't realized that women carried the phones in their bra's either. A good video. I think it is important to note that men often carry them in their breast pocket. Thanks for the post.


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