Thursday, June 13, 2013

Dial ZERO For Operator

I Will Not Be Outsmarted!
The other night I was at a benefit dinner,
 And it was an honor to be a part of helping
  An amazing woman prospers during
 A time of recovery from brain surgery.
At our table here goes the conversation!
Do you have a smart phone?
Do you have a smart phone?
Do YOU have a smart phone?
Now, I am asking the last women at our table.
Do you have a smart phone?
Now that was really funny to me, because my husband had just,
Asked our son to order a Smart Phone for me.
Now I am worried!!
The phone arrives just before lunch,
I proceed to get it up and working;
It only took until 10:30 p.m.
Now I know why they call them Smart Phones!
I am enrolled into the school of upgrades and learning curves.
A girls got to have some curves some how!!

A Smart Phone

The next post should be on simplifying your life ( RIGHT )


  1. Hi Roxy, One of my sils works for a major cell phone company so we get phones really really cheap. I used to have a generic smart phone til my puppy ate it. Then hubby and I got IPhones and we love them. If this 61 yr old can have one and use it, you can too. They are easy once you get to know it.
    Hope you enjoy yours and have a great day!

  2. Hey, I'm proud of you for not getting a major migraine programming that thing.
    I am still 'smart phone-less' and am getting pressure from the kids to upgrade. Hmmm...maybe this post was encouragement??

    Peace in Christ,

  3. Smart phones can sometimes make us feel dumb....;) Seriously though, the iPhone is the most user friendly of the smart phones. You'll get the hang of it in no time! I love the calendar to keep up with everything and alert me to remind me of things (I've had to use that a LOT lately!) I also love the little yellow notepad to make lists! I never forget my list that way...:) Enjoy!

    Blessings, Vicky
    Life On Willie Mae Lane

  4. This is how far I've read on your blog from the beginning so far. ~wink~

    My phone is a dumb phone. My husband asked me recently if I wanted to upgrade. I said no.

    I bought the Amazon Fire I was saving for this week, it came tonight. I spent over an hour setting it up, and I didn't finish. I put it away and came to my computer.

    Maybe tomorrow.
    I'll still use my old Kindle Touch to read. I just thought with chemo it might be nice to have access to my Pureflix account and to YouVersion and Bible Gateway.

    There are too many gadgets on it that I don't want to use or pay for!

    Be blessed friend, we'll have to talk again soon.


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!