Wednesday, July 17, 2013

How Will You Use Your Beauty

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Women are the source of influence in a family.
We have been given a huge responsibility to our Husbands;
And children
The World
How will you be remembered?
Covered or Uncovered?
So, I believe it is a word of caution we need to be reminded of!
You are using your God given influence to either
Promote Him or Yourself.
Revealing a heart of love and compassion to others,
Revealing your legs and bust...
How will you use your beauty?
(And just a note you our Beautiful)
Your body is a special treasure.
Do not display it as a cheap and worthless item.
But rather adorn yourself in modest apparel.
Cover what is for your hubby's eyes only.
Living From Glory To Glory Blog


  1. Love this Roxy! You are a treasue and I get encouraged every time I come over and read what is on your heart!

    ~ Marie

  2. Loved this Roxy and I am in total agreement with you on this matter. Seems modesty is a thing of the past for most folks these days. I am so thankful to have a daughter who is modest and chooses to cover herself. My nieces are as well, but so many young girls and grown women dress so inappropriately these days. Thanks for sharing this!

    Blessings, Vicky
    Life On Willie Mae Lane

  3. I am modest and the kids think it is hysterical. When I was young I was all about mini-skirts though. Glad I changed! xo Diana

  4. Thank you for sharing this. I was out today and noticed so many women, not just young ones, scantily clad in stores and restaurants. I agree with your thoughts.

  5. Hi Rox,
    Such a good post. I am enjoying catching up on several of your posts... all very good. I like how you began this post with :How will you use your beauty? It puts the understanding in a girls head about what we have in our power, and our responsibility with it. Can't wait to see you soon.
    Love and Blessings,

  6. Hi Roy,

    This was such a beautiful post - everything you said was so true and a good reminder of how we women should act and dress. My desire is for my life to reflect Jesus Christ and that means even in my dress attire.

    Thank you for being a blessing!

    Hugs to you!

  7. Yes! 100% agreed here. Modesty is becoming extinct!! You don't have to dress with little clothing to feel beautiful. Besides true beauty comes from the inside and it should reflect on your outside image. I want to walk in the light of Christ and dressing appropriately is enough for me!
    Love You,

  8. Interesting post Roxy. I have never been immodest. Even when I was younger and had the body to do so, I could not flaunt it. Our bodies are our temples! Thanks for sharing with SYC.


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