Thursday, July 11, 2013

Meeting Them In Heaven...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...
Let The Son Warm Your Heart
Heal All Your Hurts
Sorrow and Pain
Take a deep breath and look into His marvelous creation.
He is the giver of All life...
All life is precious to Him
One day I believe when we women get to heaven, we will have
Sweet little ones to meet for the first time.
 For they were given to us for a very short time.
The life
To love...
May The God of all comfort;
Comfort all those who have lost a life
from the womb.
I look forward to meeting my precious wee ones taken so soon.
I look forward to meeting the brothers and sisters my own
Mother never got to hold.
Well, I can tell you now!
There is my Momma holding all those
wee precious ones for us till we get there!
Living From Glory To Glory Blog


  1. This is very precious, beautiful and comforting. Some of the hardest things in life are helped by seeing the picture of heaven and knowing that there is something far sweeter waiting for us, and knowing our loved ones and babies we never got to hold will be waiting for us as well. These last few years I have had a "real" vision of heaven like I've never had before. It seems to me as if I am planning a wonderful trip in the future, and my Father has every good and wonderful thing prepared for me. This has helped through sorrow, pain and weariness. You all are always in my prayers, and in my heart.
    Love and Blessings,

  2. A beautiful poem! It's one we can all relate to, those who that have the joy of knowing our mansion is being built.

  3. Roxy,

    You are a beautiful spirit and your words carry Christ's love.

    Bless you.


  4. Oh- Yes, Roxy. Someday I will hold our little Anna Bella in my arms again and see that sweet little face. Life is but a trek towards our final destination, isn't it? xo Diana

  5. I believe I will have one waiting for me. Before she went, I asked my mom to check for me.

    Harvest Lane Cottage

  6. Roxie,

    I just this minute came upon your blog and had to stop by and tell you how lovely it is. Thank you for he words of wisdom. I am looking forward to following you!


  7. What a precious post Roxy. I never suffered the pain of losing a little one, but I know it will be a glorious reunion when I meat family and dear friends that have passed. Thanks for sharing with SYC.


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!