Monday, July 8, 2013

Sensory Overload

Some days I really need more options!
After a very long holiday weekend, I am always  left
feeling, out of sorts.
Why is that?
It was a great time,
 Great fellowship and food!
Our Grandson turned five years old.
Church was amazing.
So, we were so tired we decided to do nothing,
for the rest of the day...
This is what I looked like after watching two whole

Now, they were really good and sweet movies.
We watched them on the Inspirational channel.
After watching THAT much television, I am left feeling
Agitated and grumpy.
It must be a sensory overload condition.
It is like you use a part of your brain, but yet you're disconnected.
So, today is a new day!
"Live one day at a time,
and make it a masterpiece."

I find when I can write or read or converse,
I feel more connected.
Maybe this is why we have a world full of disconnected people.
Televisions, Video games, Texting, Email
Even when I post a blog I feel like it is a satisfaction of
creating and giving to others.
Ok, So my hubby say's if I would of know all this T.V. watching
would of made you so grumpy, I would of turned it off!
Yeah, right! Like I could not,  not!!
See the end...
So I really was a crabby old lady last night!
So I repent, and just resolve to only watch ONE movie!
So, my brain does not get a sensory overload
And blow a fuse!
Just for the record, I hardly ever watch T.V.
I think for me that is just wisdom.



  1. It has been a long weekend! Kinda glad its over. All that partying can wear a girl out! Yesterday was a very long day it seemed and with the wind we had, there wasn't much to do. I was so tired, that all I could do was set in my chair. I did watch some tv, but I mainly read a few magazines and enjoyed chatting with Barry. Sometimes tv, makes me a bit agitated too. Like you said sensory overload! I feel highly grumped out once I watch the news. So much bad in the world and very little good they report!
    Have a great day!

  2. Hi Roxy! You know, I can't watch much television either. My husband LOVES to watch endless shows, and it just bores me to death. Not sure if I want to be connected like you said, or just be in the quiet!

    I am very glad you choose to blog. I look forward to your posts :)

    Peace in Christ,

  3. I agree too. I hardly ever sit down to watch tv and often find myself tired and grumpy if I watch too much! A wee half hour here and there is enough for me. The same with a trip to the movies, I usually come out with a headache!

    Plus, whenever I do sit doing nothing watching tv I feel guilty about all the crafts and stuff I could be doing, whilst still sitting down and relaxing at the same time.

  4. Oh this is great Rox... you make me laugh the way you express things... which is always a picker upper for me.
    Yes... I suppose we can overload on many things... play, rest, work... and so on. I realize as I get over that I "feel" it more when I get overloaded on anything. Sometimes you over do one thing, and try to compensate, and overdo the other... feels like a dog chasing his tail. Oh well, I thank the Lord for all of our blessings, of which you are one. Hope you have a great week, and hope I get to see you soon.

  5. Yup, we all need to step back and take a break from all of the technology this day and age has to offer. Hubby and I have been watching more movies since the theater room is finished. Gotta break it in. lol! Good thing the Lord is patient and waits for us to realize that life will pass us by if we don't disconnect.

  6. Hi Roxy,

    I rarely sit through an entire movie. I like videos, because I can watch a bit now and a bit later. Last night I did sit down with my teenage son and watch The Fellowship of the Rings for the first time. He finished reading all of the books, so he was celebrating by watching the movie for the first time, too.

    Although it was not my kind of movie, the time on the sofa with my son was worth it. How often does a teenager put his arm around his mom or hold her hand? Priceless.

    Blessings to you from Harvest Lane Cottage,


    By the way, thanks again for your kind comment today on my blog.

  7. Thanks so much for coming by my place..come again soon. :)

    Too much tv can make our minds mushy...blood pressure rise....and be rum-dumb for lack of fresh air, I think. My hubs watches waaay too much and I try all the time to get him up and about....
    Have a good, productive day...I am spray painting a couple chairs and working in my tiny garden...

  8. love this! I have been finding myself in front of a 'screen' of some kind way too often recently and I was just telling my daughter how I missed having time for all the things I used to do.
    Hmmm, looks like I need to make better, conscious, choices about how I'm spending my time. Thanks for the reminder, and the encouragment!

  9. I know what you mean- too much television leaves me ancy and feeling I could have spent my time doing something else :)
    Have a great week~


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