Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Golden Locks Going Natural Gray Hair...

Beautiful Gray Hair, Living from Glory To Glory Blog...

Lovely And Natural Beautiful Hair
Should we wear our hair long as we get older?
Shall we color our hair?
Again and again...
Is this gray hair?
Is it silver,
And Her crown of Glory?
Do men prefer their wives to have long hair?
Have you ever asked him?
Is long hair more feminine?
Would you feel more lady like if your hair was not as
Short as a man's?
If you wear your hair very short,
Do you find yourself acting Sassy and Perky?
Does hair play a role in how you act and respond?
Is our hair a non-issue?
Have you ever worn a head covering,
either just during worship.
Or all the time?
Why do so many women cut their hair (cropped)
so short as they get older?
Is there any link to the length of our hair??

This woman appears to be much younger in age.
Yet, her hair makes her look soft.

These lovely locks make her look so feminine!
Do we just not want to be bothered with a hair style,
that allow us to look like a lady?
Long beautiful hair, remember the song??
The revolution started;
Boys wearing long hair!
Girl's wearing pants all the time!
Hot Pants!
Can we at least look like we are ladies?
Do we even care anymore?


  1. Good questions!

    Hello Roxy~
    Just catching up with you this morning. I am not ready to go all natural ~ so I will keep my color. But I think I share wear it longer for a long time.

    How are you?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Roxy! I remember a blog post about this in the past, this question always resonates with me.

    I had wanted to color my hair, but my husband had definite problems with that. So...I didn't do it. I am glad too! I think it looks fine for me!


  4. Great questions to think about. Growing up my parents did not want me coloring my hair, but when I turned 20 I colored it blonde. Now my hair is naturally very dark and believe it or not I have grey hair popping up and I'm only 27! My sweet husband does not like colored hair either and I have come to realize that this is the hair God gave me and I am content with it, a few grey hairs and all :) To me, coloring my hair seems artificial - that is just my own opinion.
    I have also had all kinds of hair styles and for a while I had a pixie cut because my hair was very dry and brittle so it was hard to grow it out. And yes, I do believe I acted "perkier and sassier" with cropped hair :) I have it shoulder length now and I feel very feminine. So I believe hair does have a way of making us feel a certain way or act differently.

    Wow, that was a long comment! Thanks again for the post. Hugs to you!

  5. I am in my 50s and grew my hair long when I was 51.It amazed me that it would grow so long at my age - longer now than at any other time since childhood. I have no artificial colour and there are silver streaks in many places. However, I do look after it - and am quite fit and healthy, which shows in the condition. (I also smooth in coconut oil the night before washing it.) It looks shiny, feminine and much more flattering than short hair, and my husband is very delighted with it. I would recommend long hair, but you need to work out if a fringe looks better, (Do you calls this 'bangs' in the US, I'm not sure?) or curly/straight etc - as it's important to think about what style suits you best. Since growing my hair, I have found myself to feel and act more softly and feminine. I use straighteners on my hair as it looks best that way, and more shiny, but that is just a suggestion

  6. Hi Roxy,
    I think the answer is different for different people. The longest hair I ever had was when I was in 4th grade. I have had it cut in different styles, some shorter, some a little longer, over the years and have had highlights put in my naturally light brown/dark blonde hair since my early twenties...a FEW years! My husband never has had an issue with anything I do with my hair. My person opinion FOR ME is that sometimes really long hair on an aging woman makes her look older...unless it is worn up in some way. I, being short and somewhat...fuller figured :)...look better in short hair with height to it. Long hair on me makes me look heavier.

    My mother was a member of the Old German Baptist church (Dunkards) and always wore her white net hair covering....her hair was very l-o-n-g. Isn't it interesting how many differing opinions there are!

  7. My hair is short and I have just started coloring to cover some gray. I admit I really don't' like the idea of soaking my head in chemicals, but for the time being, I am doing it!

  8. I'm in my 60's and feel far more feminine with longer hair. I have quite a few grey hairs coming through now but that does not worry me. I can style it in many ways now that it is longer and not having to colour it saves so much money. I would be quite concerned about the chemicals in hair dye if I was to colour my hair.

  9. I don't know, but I love my daughters' long hair.

    Mine is medium length.

    Thanks for featuring me in your blog list!

    Harvest Lane Cottage

  10. This has been on my mind lately. I colour my hair as its going grey/white but it's getting harder to colour as white strands don't hold colour very well. Now I have to decide what to do next, colour or accept the change that comes with age.

    My mother always had long hair and felt that cutting it was going against God's word however when she had a stroke she wasn't able to do it any more and after much pray she had it cut shoulder length so my dad could manage it.

  11. I love long hair and though I used to highlight and color it when I was has all grown out and now it is my natural color. My hair is much more healthy and I truly want to go gray naturally. I think longer, cared for hair is beautiful! :)

  12. Right now I wish I had hair! What little I have is shaved close to my head. I thought I'd lose it all, but didn't.
    I cannot find a wig that doesn't look like a dog on my head, so I've been knitting caps.
    Be blessed,


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