Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The Other Side Of The Garden And Being A Biblical Woman...

The Book The Other Side Of The Garden, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

What are some of the Biblical thoughts that we as women,
carry in our hearts!
Have we taken the time to bring the sweet and cozy truths,
to heart!
All real women's issues are heart issues.
Our Real Lives
Our Husband, Our Children
Our Homes
We are not a Blog Status;
How many followers?
How many comments?

We are now living on the other other side of the

Biblical Womanhood, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...
 I remember the first time I read this book!
I thought this is amazing;
Thy can not really think this is still going to happen
 In today's world!
Who really thinks we need to submit??
Wait a minute here...
Look, I am a intelligent woman.
But, I was searching, and asking "Who am I?
Why am I here?"
I wanted to know without a shadow of doubt,
Was I living my life for a worthwhile purpose?
I wanted to have and comprehend my true design and purpose!
I wanted to have fulfillment in my marriage.
I was a woman of the world till about 25yrs. old.
Our marriage had two heads...
This makes for an unnatural creature.
This was not God's design for marriage.
I started asking the Lord for His help in being a good wife.
So God brought this book into my life.
The first thing the Lord did was show me why a women was created.
I was just shocked at the fact He had a specific reason
 for each part of
His creation.

God took the essence of the woman directly out of His first
creation of mankind.

She shall be called Woman (Isha)
because she was taken out of Man (Ish)
For God stated that it was not good for man to be alone.
God designed the woman for the man's benefit.
1 Corinthians 11: 8,9
Now don't get yourself in a tizzy!
We are not the head, and we are not the tail!
But we are the heart!

So, Now it is time for us to appreciate are unique design,
and enjoy the fact that we are here for a grand and special treat.
We are Women!



  1. I love what you have shared Roxy. I've not come across this book before. Oh yes, we are the heart and when our hearts are in our home and we are present in the heart of the home we can really live out that design as God intended. And so agree 'we are not a blog status' - just so sad to see how many women are measuring their worth according to how many followers they have and how many people leave comments at their blog because they can't help but compare themselves to others.
    Blessings to you Roxy. I'm still reading even though I cannot comment as often as I used to.

  2. Roxy- That is a beautiful post. You are so right. The sad thing in today's world is that man has often chosen to abuse the use of the word submissions, causing women's hackles to raise and causing rebellion.
    It is sad that many women cannot just relax into the role that God intended for them.
    Blessings to you-this was wonderful- xo Diana

  3. Your posts never cease to amaze me - such wisdom and encouragement! The book sounds like a wonderful, insightful read - I will have to look for it :) I am truly thankful to be a woman and help-meet to my husband and it is such an honor and glory to our Lord when the marriage between man and woman is working by God's principles.

    Bless you for being a light. Hugs!

  4. I love that you asked these questions to the Lord, I think a lot of us just kinda dismiss our wonderings as if that is not for God to answer, but He IS always our answer. You are so wise Roxy and I glean so much from your wisdom.

    Love you!
    ~ Marie

  5. Hi Roxy! I love your new picture (and the cinnamon roll looks pretty good too!).

    It's so fun to see that God loves his creation, both men and women. We all have a place in his mosaic, and we are all loved and esteemed. A great image for what marriage should be!

    Have a great weekend :)

  6. You are a gifted writer and a gem.



  7. Roxy,
    Your posts are always inspiring.
    I love my visits here.
    Thank you for carrying God's message.

  8. Your posts and comments on my blog are such an encouragement to me. Bless you, friend!


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!