Saturday, September 14, 2013

Angels On Assignment

I want to tell you of how the Angels do watch over
The saints of God!
I have found myself this past week-end in a place
of great possible danger.
Everyone has heard about the rains that have hit Colorado.
Well dear friends; I was out and about on the
Highway that was affected from these rains.
I have never seen this kind of rain!
The heavens opened and it poured...
There was no exiting,
The exit's were flooded.
I can only tell you this;
While in this storm, driving for four hours at 20 miles per hour.
I felt a sweet presence and a great peace.
My God sent His Angels to watch over me!
Myself and my dear sweet friend were on our way to
A conference;
I have never experienced such a great opposition,
or an assignment
to try to stop me from going to hear a Man of God teach!
I felt a holy determination to get there.
Like a force helping me to go on!
Angels are real and I believe God had an Angel
Protecting me and my sweet friend Pam.
Many people have lost their lives in this flooding.
God protected us and I want to tell the
God has His Angels on assignment!
Thank-You Jesus
 For protecting us!


  1. I believe in angels, too, Roxy. Whenever my kids went somewhere I used to say a silent little prayer that God would hedge them with angels. I do the same now with my grandkids-xo Diana

  2. He is always watching over us and I too believe he sends angels to guide us and protect us when we need them the most. Thankful you made it safely and prayers for the ones who lost their lives. Have a beautiful week my friend!

    Blessings, Vicky
    What a lovely week and so many things to smile about! A nice glass of wine sounds good! I wonder if lavender grows in Florida. I have never know of anyone here growing it but I am going to look into it. I would love to have a stroll around your beautiful gardens! Lovely photos my friend! Blessings to you for a wonderful week.

    Hugs, Vicky
    Life On Willie Mae Lane

  3. Hi Roxy! Oh my goodness! This sounds like it was awful. I am so thankful that you were held safe by the Lord's angels. I hope your conference went well, and that you learned wonderful things!

    Love the "drink coffee" saying at the bottom of your post. I have a teeshirt that says that!
    My sister-in-law gave me a wall board that says "I haven't had my coffee yet. Don't make me kill you."
    Hmmm. I didn't think she noticed!!

    Happy Monday :)

  4. Glad to hear you were both OK. I suppose in one way you did need the rains though, but perhaps just not all at once!

    I do believe that angels watch over the Lord's people too and experienced it when our current 10 year old was 10 months old - we were on the ferry returning from my parents home (a 3 hour ferry journey) and half an hour into the journey he pulled at a tray of hot tea which scalded his chest and forearm. The only option was to call the coastguard helicopter to winch our family off the boat one by one and take us back to the island hospital. I had such an amazing sense of calm and presence of mind through the whole ordeal (and his subsequent skin graft and hospital stay) that I think can only be explained by the presence of angels watching over us.

    Ok that was rather a long post!

  5. Thank the Lord you were safe. Definitely the angels were watching over you.

    God Bless.



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