Saturday, October 12, 2013

My Sweet Girl

Happy 30th Birthday

Where does the time go?
Happy Birthday!

We are all having Birthdays every year!

I have learned to love Birthday's!
I know over the years we may have one that make us
Feel like a milestone has come, and gone :)
Smile and rejoice..
Grow in grace and wisdom...
Ask the Lord for clarity and vision.
For He has your day's numbered!

I have loved all the different stages,
Once I realized this is life.

So let's live and take JOY!!

I am having a Birthday next month!
Celebrate with a new song
Sing unto the LORD!

Asking the Lord for greater contentment and peace,
Is true wisdom!

Having the wisdom to be about His work.
Having a heart of obedience.
Being teachable always!

Love to all the Mommas. And Daughter's!
Sister's and Girlfriends!
We are helping and to mentor one another,
Through every Day and Season!



  1. What a sweet post! No matter how you look at it, we gain another year, whether we are prepared or not! 30 is a milestone if you ask me. Of course, I'm now 35 and I have had some struggles with that, but I refuse to be anything but Young and full of Joy and Happiness!

    And, Ashley here's for Another Great, Full of Blessings Year for you!


  2. Oh Happy Birthday to Ashley...its the big 30... Wow!
    My girls turn 30 next year. They are milestone birthdays to be sure. It feels like I just turned 30 a year or two ago; how can time fly like this. I thought Ashley was just 18 or It feels like I went down for a nap and woke up and everybody was 15 years older. Ha ha. Time is really like that, and yes, we have to realize this is life and not get hung up on it. My spirit is young, my body is aging. Have a great week end and see you soon.
    Love and Blessings,

  3. Happy Birthday to your girl...time goes by quickly doesn't it, my oldest turned 32 this year, where did the time go? I think you hit it when you said we are to help and mentor each other though each season we find our selves in

  4. My youngest son is turning 21 this month and he is really struggling - he appears to have so much self-confidences, but really he doesn't. For all us mothers - we all pray for our children - lots of prayers don't we:)

    Happy birthday for your daughter.

  5. Happy Birthday to your lovely daughter, Roxy! What a great smile!

  6. "Lets live and take joy." Beautiful words, Roxy! Happy Birthday to your beautiful daughter :) I am 27 and to be honest I am getting a little nervous about turning 30. It never used to bother me, but now I think about more since I'm getting closer :) I will remember your words though...I WILL live and TAKE joy. Blessings to you, friend! Hugs!

  7. What a precious post....and Happy Birthday to your beautiful daughter! I think I enjoyed my thirties even more than my twenties. And I think life just keeps getting better and better the older I get. The forties have been pretty awesome so far! Have a blessed and beautiful week my friend!

    Blessings, Vicky
    Life On Willie Mae Lane

  8. Thanks mom for making my 30th birthday so wonderful! I have been very blessed this last 10 years.


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