Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Mental Anguish

The World Is a needy Place
Good Morning, this is a little different kind of post,
 That I might normally write.
 But there are certain things that will come up or happen
that just screams give me some attention.
It is something that anyone of us
might have been subjected to, (this very thing.)
It may have been a family member, or
someone from your church.
But, it seems that our towns and city streets are
Just filled with those with mental problems.
So many more homeless now days!
But, It is really sad when it's a family member.
How can you help them, when they continue to
make bad choices, or their brains are just wired wrong.
They are not able to think clearly.
They are filled with bitterness;
They always blame others for their problems.
It is the governments fault or
the way I grew up...
I have compassion for these people;
But I also realize I have needed to have strong boundaries.
When you are around these people if you do not feel safe.
Respond to that feeling;
I believe it is God's radar He has given us to keep
Us safe!!
May we be praying for those with mental anguish!
I believe during the holiday's and specific dates
And birthdays that holds sad memories for them.
So the anguish becomes more prominent.
I believe we need to help them get help!
I also believe it is important to pray for your mind to be protected,
And to keep yourself from  exposure to things that
contain darkness!
These things open doors!
Depression is very real to many people;
Expose the darkness;
Be the light!
Jesus can heal the broken mind!!


  1. Hi Roxy! This is a very tenderhearted post.

    I used to volunteer at a homeless shelter on the overnight shift. We were always full during the winter, and my mind would be moved to think about all the stories in that sleeping room. All the sadness, addiction and mental illness.

    We do need compassion, the love of God and his grace to help us help these people. These are the ones God loves, and asks us to serve. I join you in prayer for all the souls who need help.
    Loved this post today.

  2. Great post. I think you are right all the way around on this. More now than ever before. Our poor country. And yes, you should pay attention to "God's radar." It is to protect you.

  3. What a great post, Roxy. I heard a thing on family talk radio today that depression causes premature aging and people that suffer from chronic depression die younger because of diseases related to poor immune systems. xo Diana

  4. Roxy~
    I know we all face this at times!
    You are so right. Where it is the darkest the light shines the brightest!

  5. This can be such a difficult situation when it's someone you care about. Sometimes the only appropriate thing you can do is pray and let the Lord lead and be that light that reflects the love of Jesus

  6. Mental illness can strike anyone. My grandmother had 6 wonderful children and a loving husband - My grandmother and grandfather created a wonderful christian home for their children and my grandfather was a successful business man and provider to his family. However in the late 1940s my grandmother (my mother was 10years old approximately) could no longer cope and took her own life. She committed suicide. This was a woman who had everything and knew and loved the Lord so dearly and deeply. Sadly no one understood depression in those days and no one could help her - a woman in her early 50s. She must have felt SO alone even as a very strong Christian woman. Years later her son (my uncle) also took his own life. Depression runs in our family and affects some more than others. I watch closely my children to make sure they are coping ok and step in whenever I think they need my help. Why some people see the darkness and others don't, I don't know, but we all need to watch our friends and family for any signs. Sometimes those that look the strongest aren't always.

    This is something close to my heart and something we all should talk about.

  7. A very timely post, Roxy. You're right--the holidays can be especially difficult for those in mental anguish. Thank you for your caring heart!

    And thanks so much for joining Grace at Home!


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