Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Christmas Heart

Today was Christmas in my heart.

I had a wonderful opportunity to minister to a beautiful young woman.
I was in one of those rare places, 

Going about your day.
Thinking your just there doing what you must do!

Nothing special;
The moment God will use you...

I am in a big city having my yearly mammogram done.
  They have left me waiting for a very long time,
And I am thinking really...
But, I am being patient and I watched many other
Women coming and going.
Still, not calling my name?

So finally I go to a lady and inquire to what maybe 
The problem might be?
She said, follow me!

So, this is why I was not being called back...
It is called a God assignment.

I come out and I find this young woman just breaking down
and filled with fear!

All these other women are just still reading their magazines,
And looking the other way.
I get up and I go over to her and I say 
"Honey your going to be okay"
"You are not going to die"
This is the next step...
No fear!!
I told her my story;
And I said look I'm still here!
I told her God has this!
She sobered up quickly, they called her back.
She told me thank you!
I grabbed her hand and I told her to have,
A Merry Merry Christmas...
She said I will!

She is going to be okay!!
I am praying for her.
I was in the right place at the right time!

Make Room
Find Christmas in YOUR Heart!



  1. What a precious story Rox. I have no doubt the Lord was so pleased to have you there… ready and always willing, and what a comfort to her. "Thank you Lord for providing encouraging words through precious people like Rox, just when we need them." Yes, it is the heart and Spirit of Christmas.
    Love ya

  2. I am blessed by your heart and your willingness to please the Lord. I think God gives us many opportunities to glorify him throughout our day but we are just busy or too preoccupied to notice.
    Keep looking for those opportunities, blessings

  3. You were in the right place at the right time because God ordained that to happen. God bless- xo Diana

  4. Roxy,

    I thank the Lord for You and your heart to serve Him. You could have easily been impatient but instead displayed His fruit and were able to encourage and minister to this young woman. Praise God! Thank you for your service to Him :)


  5. Bless you Roxy for stretching out your hand in friendship and giving this lady some peace. There is a purpose in everything even when we don't understand.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Oh Roxy...how wonderful the Lord put you exactly in the right place at the right time...He specializes in things like that, doesn't He? Bless you for your obedience too. You gave that sweet woman the best Christmas present she could ever have asked for...and you received one too!
    Have a wonderful Christmas, Roxy!

  8. You were one of God's angels for sure Roxy! He put you in the right place and at the right time. Your words of encouragement will change that gals life! Have a very Merry Christmas!

  9. Thank you for being Roxy to me when I needed you after my diagnosis sweetie! Happy Christmas to you!


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!