Sunday, December 8, 2013

Christmas Romance

There is just something so precious and romantic
About the Christmas season!
God designed us with the need for love!
It is His idea for Marriage
Of love and commitment.
To hold and adore the one whom you made a covenant with!
God, has given us the  most romantic time of the year.
To enjoy a cozy and comfy evening.
Take advantage of the sweet glow of Christmas lights.
Sitting all warm and cozy inside together.
Playing Christmas music.
Make time together to do a few of these things like;
Watching a few sweet Christmas classic together.
Taking a walk together in the new fresh fallen snow!
Holding hands while out doing some shopping!
Bake your Hubbies favorite Christmas cookies!
Take a walk down memory lane of some
Of  your first Christmas's together!
Start a new tradition!
 Get a new Christmas ornament that celebrates,
How many years you have been married.
It is important to spice things up,
And keep the home fires burning.
Smile for him!
Rub his back!
Kiss the top of his head!
Tell him, he is the best Christmas gift that
God ever gave you!
Pray together and ask God's direction for this
New year coming up!


  1. This is so true Roxy and oh so sweet...:) Your hubby is blessed to have you as you are him...:) Have a lovely week my friend!

    Blessings, Vicky
    Life On Willie Mae Lane

  2. This is beautiful but I had to smile as its not my imagine of Christmas or the festive season. Its sitting in front of fans, feeling hot and sweaty, avoiding walking in the heat of the day (however it is lovely in the evening once the sun goes down) and wanting something really cool to eat or drink + I avoid using the oven in summer too as it makes the kitchen too hot!! And sometimes its too hot for touching!!

    Nevertheless - being together is just as good even if a hot summers day in Australia!!

    Have a wonderful week:))

  3. So true, Roxy

    The gift of our husbands is awesome,let's celebrate them big time!

    Lesley x

  4. Very Sweet Rox,
    and a wonderful reminder. Thanks
    Love and Blessings,

  5. Oh, Yes!! Wonderful :)
    Hugs to you, Roxy :)


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