Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas's Past...

Winter Time, Living From Glory To Glory To glory...

Greetings, To Each and Everyone Of You All !

As we see the days getting darker and the lines being blurred;
Is the time for His Glory to shine!
We will see it getting brighter in those who have
Chosen to be a willing vessel for His Light and His Glory!
Be not dismayed, or allow your thinking too
Grieve the Holy Spirit!
We are to keep our eyes upon Him!
He has a perfect plan!

Take all the memories and those thoughts that
Have saddened your heart...
From Christmas's past because our
Christmas's are  just filled with memories of our childhood,
And some from just hard years we have had to live through.
A death of a loved one!
Maybe a divorce!
And some of these memories are very good ;
 But some memories can still cause pain!

I have learned over the years that this is where you
 Can practice taking every thought captive!
Our mind and our thoughts and, our memories become a seed bed,
Of so many things we have lived through and in many cases
We have learned to overcome.
God knew we would have sorrow, and He made provision
In His word to teach us how not to live in the past.
And allow the past sorrows to wound us again!

Allow yourself through His Grace and Love
To enjoy His celebration of His Birth!
Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas, Living from glory to glory blog...


  1. Beautifully said and just what I needed to read today.

    Merry Christmas - it is Christmas Day here in Australia. Have a wonderful day with your family and may it be full of joy .


  2. Roxy,

    That is beautiful! I appreciate you sharing your heart. It is so important to focus on our Savior, He has provided a means for us in hard times. Romans 5:1-5.

    Have a Blessed Christmas Roxy!

    PS I am keeping your sister in prayer as well :)

  3. Thank you so much for encouragement I needed...
    A new subscriber,


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