Thursday, December 26, 2013

Indulgence Nature...

Crack Me Up!!

This sweet little girl is no different than us big girls sometimes :)
This is the time of the year we have so many
 Sweets and goodies
In our homes!
We have been baking and preparing all sorts of
Special  goodies...

But sometimes we have had just too many sweets!
How do we use self control,
 When the smooth creamy fudge is calling my name?
Or those cute little Christmas cookies
 Cut out and baked and frosted with care look so tantalizing!
They sparkle and look cheery and bright.

So, because of the gift given to me on Christmas morning;
I now must rely on the gift of  the precious Holy Spirit's working of
The fruit of Self-control in my "self" indulgence nature.

Eat and enjoy His sweet leading in what we eat and drink!
Whether you eat or drink do it all unto the Glory of the Lord.

Dear ones we need to be more concerned
 With what comes out of our mouths,
As these things will defile us.

Cake and goodies can be eaten and enjoyed
Because He has made provision.
Be more concerned with come out of your mouths!

 But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart;
 and they defile the man.

Matt 15:18 



  1. Hi Roxy,

    Hope you had a wonderful Christmas! It is hard to resist all of the tasty delights this time of year. This morning I decided to freeze all but a small plate of cookies, that way I won't be tempted, but can still enjoy the cookie another time.


  2. I hope you had a lovely Christmas. I usually give most of my leftover Christmas food to my children so they can take the food away and share. My youngest son took most the peanut butter cheesecake to share with his friends and my eldest too a heap of ham for him and his wife. My husband and I can't possibly eat it all - but its nice to give for others to enjoy.


  3. Hello, Roxy! I would have to read this while I am eating a piece of Reese's peanut butter cup. Boo. I used to have many foods on my bad list, but God has given me some freedom in that area. YOu are so right...we should worry more about what comes out of our mouths. Our tongues are a dangerous thing.

  4. I have enjoyed reading through your recent posts this morning! Hmmm - Self-control, yes, I need to work on that. Thank you for your encouraging comment this morning on my post. Everyone here is busy with One Thing! God is awesome. Blessings to you for 2014


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!