Friday, December 20, 2013

The Gospel or The Media ?

"Be Still and Know I am God"

There is so much clamor of the world going on!
I love Home, and all it represents!
Can we keep our hearts from the screaming,
Media of their take on someones beliefs.
Have we not the right to answer a question that
Is asked of us, without a backlash? 

Remember dear ones of history not
to long ago, where freedom of the Gospel
Being preached was the cause of death!
Churches closed down or even burnt to the ground.

May we love all, but learn to speak the truth of the Gospels in love.
Or we too may lose our voices all together.

The freedom to worship!
The freedom to speak!
The freedom to be still and know He is God!

May our hearts be open to the Gospel!
May Church doors be open,
And may the truth always be allowed to be preached!

Do not fall asleep dear ones and let your freedom
Be taken from you!



  1. I am reading a freedom series right now. I find that our country is slowing losing its freedoms bit by bit. It is really scary when you look at the big picture- xo Diana

  2. It is so true Rox. It is difficult to watch,listen and hear the changing of our country. How they are calling "good evil and evil good".

    I loved your previous post as well... read it the other day, but ran out of strength to comment. I love what you said about being purposeful in taking our joy and special moments this Christmas... I am trying to drink in every sweet and wonderful thing.
    Love and Blessings,

  3. I read you loud and clear!
    Yes, our freedoms are precious and need to be upheld.

    ~quack, quack~

  4. Yes, we are in imminent danger of losing our freedoms and it is high time that we all learn to speak up. There is no excuse in this country for such evidence of political correctness that people can not speak their own minds. We may not always agree, but we can agree that people have the right.

  5. Roxy,
    Another very inspiring post.
    My husband and I talk about this all the time.
    I can hardly believe the things I hear in the news. It is very disturbing. We have to stop catering to the evil in the world.
    We must remain strong in our faith and pray for our country.
    I wanted to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas.
    God bless.
    Your sister in Christ.

  6. So true. And so many don't seem to care as long as they don't lose anything that means something to them. Liberals are only liberal if you agree with them. I learned that a long time ago and witnessed it in my classroom over and over as we discussed and debated literature. Makes me nervous for my grandchildren, but our loving Heavenly Father will take care of them. He loves them more than me, and I can't imagine that!


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!