Monday, January 13, 2014

Make This Moment Count...

We are all ministering to others everyday!

First thing in the morning, we minister to the Lord!
Our first connection is a prayer spoken to Him;
Thanking Him for another day!
Each day is a gift...

How will you respond as it opens up to you?

Sometimes, even thinking too far down the road can cause
Me to feel overwhelmed!
So I have learned the fine art of taking one moment at a time!

Really living in the moment has taught me to take pleasure
in my days. I cannot control all that is going on in all the
arenas that surround me.
But, I can refuse to be robbed of the sweet moments of the now!

When I truly make eye contact with my loved ones, they know...
Sometimes we only have a few short minutes to connect
to those we are speaking to.
So make them count!
"Words do not have to be many to be meaningful"

I can only eat of the daily bread He has given me today!
When they tried to gather more Manna then they needed it spoiled!
Except, when they were preparing for the day of rest.

Make this moment count!



  1. Okay Rox,
    I almost couldn't read your post first because of my excitement about your blog re-decorating (not that I thought the old one in any way lacking… believe me I loved it too), but this just looks so good… and now I must confess, you have stirred me up to get my own blog in order. This looks just beautiful… don't mean to gush but it does. Also; loved your word for today; so good, so well said and such a good word to hold continually in my thoughts. It has set such a lovely tone for my day; Hope you have a wonderful day
    Blessings from the windy foothills

  2. Beautiful post Roxy!

    By the way, your new blog design is lovely. It makes me think of spring.

    May you have a blessed day!


  3. Great post Roxy!

    Your new blog design is very pretty and sooo you. Love it!

    Have a great rip roaring windy kind of a day. :)


  4. Love this Roxy! This is exactly how I try to live me life....moment by moment. Much easier that way...:) Hope you have a blessed week...:) Hugs, Vicky

  5. I'm with you, Roxy. I try to stay in the moment and not project too far in the future or dwell too much on the past. I think that is what we are supposed to do- xo Diana

  6. ps- Your blog looks GREAT-I love it- xo Diana

  7. What a beautiful new blog! Very lovely and good thoughts too.

  8. Your words are so true Roxy :-)
    I shall make use of them in my daily life :-)

  9. Oh, how I have missed your words.
    Glad to be back to get my fill of wise women.

  10. Today is a holy day for the Lord.
    Don’t be sad
    because the joy you have in the Lord
    is your strength.

    Nehemiah 8:10b God's Word
    Thank you for this post, Roxy! I can spend too much time looking back or too far ahead!

  11. Lovely new blog Roxy.
    This is how I try to see my days, living intentionally one day at a time.


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!