Sunday, January 5, 2014

MEMO: Save Now To Spend Older Years In Florida

Really Really Really Cold!

Sometimes I ask myself...
Self, why was I not born in the tropics??

Oh, those little nasty mosquitoes. "You say"

Oh think of all those bad humid hair days!

Your ice cubes in your tea would melt way too fast...

You don't like heat rash!!

Sweating is sticky business.

Sleeping in the hot temps makes you cranky!


Why was I born In The Tundra? (NOT REALLY)
Well let's see;
You never would of learned to ice skate!

Remember the toboggan run called Blue Angel?
Now that was fun!

What about the time your Momma threw that stray cat
you brought home on Thanksgiving, right
 out the front door in the snow bank,
 Because it was eating our turkey on the counter!
"You wouldn't have had that memory"
Oh Yea ...

Oh I get it:
You live in the Tundra when you're young and your bones can handle it!
When you get older you go to Florida or Belize for the Winter!
Silly Girl!



  1. You make me smile, sweet friend :) It is cold here too - we woke up to -2, brrr.... I am wearing my wool socks and am wrapped up in a blanket while I write you :) We should get together for a hot cup of coffee or tea - wouldn't that be grand? I do hope you stay warm. Much love to you!

  2. Today it is even cold in Louisiana! Looks like most of the nation is cold...except for Florida. I have a friend in Melbourne, was 74 degrees there today. I'm determined to mentally "stay in season" and enjoy it, instead of wishing for another season of the year. However, I am looking forward to wearing my linen skirts in several months! :)

  3. We are in the suburbs of Chicago and it's COLD even for us Chicagoans! Hubby has been extra sweet, insisting to walk our puppy so I don't have to! Stay warm!

  4. I think I am old enough to qualify so I am wondering WHY I am still here in the frozen tundra? Apparently, I am a SLOW learner- xo Diana

  5. I lived 14 years in the tropics and really did get fed up with bad hair days, too much sweating, things going mouldy and not being able to enjoy all those cold weather activities. We moved to south where I can enjoy 4 seasons and I love it. I really did miss Autumn/Fall which you don't get in the tropics.

  6. Ha, ha Roxy .. how appropriate is your post for me today. We are just sweltering in my part of Australia. It is extra humid today and I'm longing for some cooler weather. It really is a bad hair day and everyone is sweating! It got so hot the other day I threw caution to the wind and jumped in our pool even though just a week ago the resident black snake was seen sunbaking on the rocks and swimming across the water! The American pages I follow on facebook keep posting pictures of icy roads ... not sure I want to swap for that but when your air conditioning doesn't work it's very tempting. My daughter went to the ice rink the other night ... most sensible of her don't you think! I now know what it is like to experience temperatures of mid 40's - that's celcius mind you! So well over 100F ! Back to 30's today but with humidity. Okay have to leave my office.. too hot inside! Happy New Year and I look forward to following you again this year. May God bless you abundantly during 2014.

  7. I could go for a little warmer weather too.... Where should we go? I'm game for any place warm, not to hot, just right. I love the snow, but not the freezing temps with it. Well, the one thing I can say for sure about the Colorado weather.. is tomorrow it will be much warmer and then we will have mud. Enjoy!!

    Have a great day!


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