Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Promptings From The Lord...

Good Morning!!

I believe this is what the Lord has prompted me to share with you all today!
What good is making new year's resolutions if we only keep them, but
for but a small amount of time?

I would like to give you an idea for this season of life!

Do you know what a prompting is from the Lord?

It is an idea or thought or impression, that the Lord will
Drop into your mind or heart.
I have learned the importance of this very thing,
And as we learn to move quickly to His promptings we can
Really start hearing His voice.

By obeying these little promptings quickly will show we are listening to Him!

They usually will be little things, like check the oven!
(You forgot to turn it off)

Call your friend now!
(She needs prayer or an encouraging word)

Do not go into town today!
(You needed to be home... Available)

Do not be like those who will say;
 I need to see the writing on the wall!
This is not being quick or obedient to His promptings...

Just fill out the form below;
And wait for Him to give you another piece of information.

I believe these promptings will not be things that
are dangerous things to do, but rather may save us
from being in a dangerous place or situation!




  1. In my time with the Lord this morning, He reminded me: Just DO the little things that I ask you to do! Thanks for the confirmation!! It has been awfully cold here in KC - below zero. Thanks for sending the heat wave our way. We are supposed to get to 34 this afternoon also:) God bless you!

  2. This is such a timely post. He want's to know if we are truly listening to him. I've got many checks in my day to stay a bit longer or too get home now and it's always been God telling me just enough info to follow his lead. We all need a quick response or a confirmation.... Just do the little things required as Karen says above me.

    So glad for the heat wave... I'll take any warmth I can get.


  3. I think I could write a book on the out comes of listening to my promptings from God!
    It took me a few years to stop and listen to them and when I do, I am so thankful!

  4. I have had some big knocks latterly and ones that I couldn't miss hearing. The Lord has been very comforting at the moment and I have never needed Him as much as I at present.

    PS a real heatwave is heading our way next week when we reach 100F which really is quite hot! By the end I might need some of your cold weather.

  5. These promptings are real, and you have described them well. I am still reading through your blog my dear. I begin radiation on Tuesday. God bless you.
    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!