Friday, January 10, 2014

Quick, Easy Bread Recipe...

Living From Glory to Glory Blog,

Quick, Easy Bread Recipe!

Makes:2 loaves
Prep Time:30minutes
Proof Time:30 to 60minutes
Bake Time:25 to 35minutes
Read Through all of the directions first!

Home made Bread
Living From Glory To Glory Blog

This recipe is great for sandwiches and toast!

In large bowl add dry ingredients:
4 cups whole wheat flour
2 cups unbleached white flour
2 envelopes Fleischmann's® Rapid Rise Yeast
2-1/2 teaspoons salt
In a glass pitcher, add liquid ingredients: then heat till very warm.
1-1/2 cups water
1-1/2 cups milk
1/4 cup honey
1/4 cup olive Oil

Combine 3-1/2 cups flour, undissolved yeast and salt in a large mixing bowl. Heat water, milk, honey and oil until very warm (120o to 130oF). Gradually add to flour mixture; beat 2 minutes at medium speed with electric mixer, scraping bowl occasionally. Add 1 cup flour; beat 2 minutes at high speed, scraping bowl occasionally. With spoon, stir in enough remaining flour to make soft dough. 
Knead on lightly floured surface until smooth and elastic, about 6 to 8 minutes. Cover dough and let rest 10 minutes.
Divide dough in half. Roll each half to 12 x 7-inch rectangle. Beginning at short end of each rectangle, roll up tightly as for jelly roll. Pinch seams and ends to seal. Place, seam sides down, in 2 greased 8-1/2 x 4-1/2-inch loaf pans. Cover; let rise in warm, draft-free place until doubled in size, about 30 to 60 minutes.
Bake in preheated 375oF oven for 25 to 35 minutes or until done. I also turn my oven down to 350 degrees!
Remove from pans; let cool on wire racks. (Note: to test for fully baked inside, the internal temperature of bread should register 190oF in center of loaf.)
I do not test my Bread this way, but rather tap it, it should sound firm!
I think every Homemaker needs a tried and true EASY Bread recipe...
I have made this Bread for many years. But I thought I had lost it, I could not find it anywhere!
I googled and looked at Recipe books to no avail, This Bread recipe was not to be found anywhere!
But, God is so good because I wanted to cry and low and behold, I found it! 
It was on a back of a very old Fleischmaan's yeast package of about 30 years ago. So I am letting YOU ALL have it so if I lose it again, you can send it back to me!
Oh, and DO NOT forget the Butter on your fresh warm sliced bread!

Living From Glory To Glory Blog


  1. Do you think I could turn these into bread rolls?

    I use the Kitchen Aid to make bread and do things in a slightly different order, I must give this recipe a go. I love honey in bread as it gives such a lovely smell as it cooks.

    Would go so well with my homemade strawberry jam.

  2. Roxy,

    Looks like a delicious recipe! I love baking bread this time of year. I will have to try your recipe very soon.

    May you have a blessed day!


  3. This looks delicious Madame Roxie.
    My pleasure to meet you. I am inviting you to visit me here

  4. Rox, you just crack me up! Love your last line; its a good plan….how nice to store our recipes and ideas this way; much easier to keep track of. I look forward to trying your bread recipe, it looks wonderful. I think we were both up late last night blogging bread recipes haha. Have a great day.

  5. Oh good idea! I like a great and easy bread recipe on hand. I'm going to pin this one so I don't forget.

  6. Looks delish Roxy. I want to try it. Glad you found the recipe again! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  7. You know, I haven't baked bread in awhile. If we get iced in like the weather man promises, I might bake tomorrow...if I feel energetic. Today was a chemo and radiation day. That's draining. I'll be done with radiation a week from Friday, praise God!!!


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