Monday, February 10, 2014

A Spirit of Excellence...

The Spirit of Excellence

I want to share something I believe is sometimes a problem because we, 
Have not been trained to discern the difference;

As we live and walk in our days, we are given a daily task or what we might call

Every day God has given us a  print or Master plan, woven right into it!
That is why we are called to be co-laborers with Him!

When we were young we hopefully were taught to do our tasks well.
Remember hearing:  "If you are going to do a job, then do it well"….

I have had the pleasure of helping and planning and speaking for,
Many women’s conference settings over the years. And it is through
These events that I learned a phrase that I want to share.
"A Spirit of Excellence"

I believe there is a counterfeit of this very thing called perfectionism;
This is where we do it many things a certain way; (my way)
Or it is just not good enough when someone else is doing it their way;

When you are not able to enjoy yourself, because everything is not perfect!
When you are obsessed with order and have lost the joy of the flow of the Lord.

This is really a control issue!

When we are doing a task onto the Lord;
 May we do it with a spirit of excellence.
Not with an attitude of perfection, because no one can live
Up to your standards,
 And this causes division in our hearts,
And in our marriages and  disrupts the unity of the Body of Christ!

A spirit of excellence is where we do our task's onto the Lord!
And we do it well, and with care and applying His creative talents
He has given you!
And many times when we are working with others, we want to
To blend these ideas together.

I think when we exercise this way of thinking we grow and expand
His Kingdom and beauty in our homes and any place,
We are called to operate and manage.

Learn from others, educate yourself;
Inquire of the Lord for wisdom, not perfection.

Blessings and favor come from seeing and using what is in our hands!
But, controlling and a hard task master will stunt your growth...


  1. This is a great reminder. Sometimes the tasks seem so mundane that I'm tempted to wonder if what I do even matters.
    I love your new photo.

  2. Thank you for these wise words today. Taking on this attitude of excellence in all we do, and leaving our misconceptions of perfection will make us much more content and able to enjoy all that God is in our lives.
    You've challenged and encouraged me today!
    (joining with you at the Proverbs31 link party)

  3. I so appreciate this post, Roxy. Very thought provoking. Wishing you a restful night.

  4. p.s. Roxy, did you know that your first comment (Karen from Lily Valley) is my sister!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. This is a good reminder Roxy. I never thought about the control issue thought. That makes perfect sense. It is a special gift to get along with others with this spirit but, I have seen a lot of wonderful people who are really good at it. Such a pleasant and nice trait to have!

  7. I am really enjoying your blog and thanks much for opening my eyes to how working for the Lord should be.

    God bless you

  8. Hello there!

    This is such a good post. You really do have a way with words.

    We all should learn from one another and take each word captive. We learn from one another and for that we should always walk in great wisdom and grace.

    I hope you stayed warm today, it was sure cold outside!


  9. I could tell you had a background of serving women. Your blog is so well written and your ideas are very thoughtful. God has used you to help us, stop, think, grow and serve others.

    You are my first stop when I'm visiting others!

  10. Hello Roxy! I was just about to get off the computer when at the last minute I typed in your blog address. My friend, I NEEDED this right now at this very moment. I will not go into detail, but please know that your post truly encouraged me and richly blessed my heart.

    May the Lord bless you, my friend. Happy Tuesday! Hugs and love!

    P.S. I am hosting another tea cup exchange - you are more than welcome to join, but please do not feel pressured to do so - I just wanted to let you know :)

  11. Dear Roxy,

    I appreciate your words of inspiration so much. Just to answer the questions you asked on my blog...
    I am a fairly new and young wife. I have been married for almost three years. I have lost my first child (during birth), but I plan to try again soon. I appreciate the interest you show in me and my blog, and I really look forward to more inspiration from you!
    Blessings :-)

  12. I appreciate your encouraging words and wisdom here. I do think perfectionism is a trap that many women fall into (I easily lean that way) and it steals our joy. I never thought of it as a type of control but it is. Thanks for always being willing to share your heart


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!