Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Helpers Needed...

Remember, You are just the Helper!

Okay, now that makes me feel a bit like 2nd in line,
Maybe my job is not as important.
So there you have it...

Well, let me just look at this for a minute...
Now that spatula right in that wicker basket is pretty darn useful and Helpful;
Have you ever tried flipping an egg, or an omelet over with a butter knife?

There are more utensils in that basket that are maybe considered a helper tool,
But I would rather not be without one single one of them.
( The spatula is saying; GIRL, YOU need me)!
I do need it, I do need it!

We are all in need of Helpers,
Why must we make others feel like their job is not as important as mine?

Are only trained professionals important?
I personally want all the HELP I can get!

Just think about this for a minute;
Which one of these special crafted silverware cutlery do you really not need?
Each one is designed for an effortless eating experience.

Did you know that the Holy Spirit is referred to as the HELPER?

When the Woman was designed, for the selected roll of a Helper!

Whatever I set my hand to today; I will do it as on to the Lord!
For I have asked for the HELPER to help me...

So, I may be the Helper I have been designed to be.
And be the Helper that compliments in all that I do!

The Helper, the Holy Spirit ...
Will teach you all things.
John 14: 26


  1. What a great post. I just think it is so cool to be inspired by a basket of utensils...and so many other things the Lord uses! I would actually rather be a helper than the one in charge ANY DAY :) BTW...I have the almost exact same silverware...don't you just love it?

    Blessings sweet friend!

  2. Mmmmmm.... pondering each word.
    (love the way you write)

  3. Blessed...again and thank you!

  4. Such a good word Rox. I think I prefer being the helper rather than the helpee if you know what I mean, and it is a comfort to remember that it is honorable to be in that role.
    Had a lovely time with you on Sunday and Friday... we were very blessed. Thank you Lord for good friends.
    Talk to you soon.

  5. Oh- Sometimes I must admit I am not a very good "helper". I try to do it all...and have assumed some roles that (in a perfect world) would not be done by me...which tends to rub me the wrong way sometimes. But, I just try to turn it over to God and have a willing spirit to do what I am supposed to do-xo Diana

  6. This is a wonderful post! I often forget that my way is not the only way and that I do, indeed, need my helpers. I want to be the best helpmeet I can to my husband. Thank you for such a sweet reminder today.

  7. You've made your point well, Roxy. Sometimes I find myself frustrated in my role. I'm trying to learn it better. I'm a young wife. I've only been married 27 years. Gasp!


  8. Great post! Thank you for having such an encouraging blog.

  9. This is a great perspective and so timely for me EVERYDAY! I still feel rebellion in my heart and it is sin!
    We are told (Yikes!): 'rebellion is a divination'...
    "Samuel said, "Has the LORD as much delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices As in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, And to heed than the fat of rams. "For rebellion is as the sin of divination, And stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the LORD, He has also rejected you from being king." 1 Samuel 15: 22-24
    I appreciate you, Roxy :)


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!