Friday, March 28, 2014

Beware Of Dangers In Your Body Lotions...

 Living From Glory To Glory Blog

I want to make myself perfectly clear on this post!
This is something I feel very strongly about;
I believe if you are going to use a body lotion only use one that is natural!!
See I said it!!

Why you ask???

Because your skin will quickly absorb this product and it goes directly into
Your blood stream. And I believe it is possibly the worst thing women can do.
For many health reasons...

Many years ago I was very convicted about this one morning,
As I was praying...
Yup, just popped into my head!
(I call these downloads from the Lord)

I was convinced He was speaking to me!!
I listened...

I wanted to share this as I am not a complete health freak,
 But I can tell you this.
 It was a very wise health move!
There are way too many ingredients that are put in lotions that you can not
Even pronounce, let alone recognize what they are even.

So, I suggest to you wonderful Ladies out there to stop adding poison
To your skin!
Our skin is actually our largest organ.
I think most lotions do damage to your liver and bloodstream!
I have used many different kinds and brands.
 And there are so many good ones out there to choose from.
 And they can get a bit pricey,
 But I believe for health reasons it's a must!

Plus, you will feel good about not putting something harmful all over your body!
But rather a product that will keep your skin safe and smooth!
And you can always use coconut oil on your body after a shower,
But it can tend to be a bit greasy or what I might say
(slickery) My own word ;o)

Please consider this Dear Ones...

Click HERE  for a list of ingredients you do not want to put on your body!


  1. I was actually just thinking about this yesterday when my mom and I were discussing the dry skin on our hands. I have never researched it, but I got to wondering if it could be harmful...especially to people who use a lot of lotion. Something to think about. What lotion do you use if you don't mind my asking. I have thought the same thing about deoderant as I have heard it is bad for you too. Thanks Roxy...I always enjoy reading what you have to share. Have a blessed weekend my friend...Vicky

  2. Wise words and excellent advice.

    Have a lovely weekend.

  3. You know me, I feel the same way. I love natural products, and I love natural skin care products. I have used many of these that you have in the picture.
    I used to love to use "Kiss my Face" years ago when I was pregnant with the girls… I haven't used it in several years, but back then it was like "aaahhh". I just always felt that it was important to use "real" on my skin. I feel the same way about soaps of all kinds. I just bought a facial moisturizer by "Mineral Fusion"… I see you have it in the body lotion. I love it. It makes my skin feel just wonderful.

    Love and blessings,

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hi Roxy! Oh yes, our skin is our biggest organ. And we do have to protect it. But as you say, it's important to make informed decisions about skin lotions.

    I have a problem with scents, so my cream tends to be very pure anyway, but checking the label is an easy way to be informed and protected.
    Great idea!

  6. So true. You don't want any skin product with any type of paraben. They are known carcinogens. Also, our deodorants are filled with cancer causing chemicals. When choosing a deodorant, choose something that does not contain aluminum. The best idea is to go to the health food store to find your creams and deodorants there. I also just recently read that Johnson's Baby powder is now being linked to increased breast and ovarian cancer.

    I started researching all this stuff and paying attention because I have an auto immune illness and wanted to protect and build my immune system, rather than unknowingly doing things that would harm it. We must be aware.

    There are also alot of parabens and phosphates in our shampoos and laundry detergent. Use only natural. Dryer sheets contain Fermeldahide, a known carcinogen. You don't really need them.

    For my skin, I just use coconut oil. Works great. TJ Maxx has a whole line of phosphate and paraben free shampoos, and the organic section in the supermarket carries natural laundry detergent.

  7. I'm all for the natural lotions... And yes they can be pricey, but it is so worth it in the end.

    I have been looking at some all natural makeups and I might be looking into that next....

    I'm all about protecting my skin.

    Have a lovely day.



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