Saturday, March 22, 2014

How To Have Beautiful Skin and My Secret...

~Beautiful Skin~
When we are born our skin is soft and smooth,
It is moist and fresh.
Who doesn't  just love the softness of a baby's skin?
But, as we age our skin grows older,
And we loose some of the moisture.
It can become dry and dull looking!
I have been forever grateful to an older woman
 Who many years ago that took the time,
 To teach me about good skin care.
I remember her telling me that;
 If I would take care of my skin now I would see the benefits,
Once I became older.
Here is what I was taught;
Wash your face every morning with a mild cleanser.
Use a toner if you like,
Then use a moisturizer on it!
This is where I always splurge,
Buying a product that works!!
Now, here is where many women might not follow through;
Use a makeup remover for your eyes...
I have always used Ponds cleanser for this,
(As it does not irritate my eyes)
You must wash your face every night with a cleanser!
Then apply a good moisturizer to your face
(And to your your neck also)!!
While you are sleeping is when your skin will recover
From the day's stress.

Okay, this is what I do daily and I am grateful;
For being a wise woman and taking care of my skin
 While in my youth!
Because now I am older :)

Here are some of my favorite products:
Elizabeth Arden
Estee Lauder
Jafra (Royal Jelly Moisture)

Here is my secret weapon for my skin now days:
Coconut oil with a drop of geranium oil
I get my oils from Young Living!
Coconut oil I use everyday on my face,
It will feel greasy when applied, but it will soak in a little.
Try it at first in the evening.

Over the years I have asked for these as gifts;
 For my Birthday and Anniversary,

I have tried many products and I have realized
You must find one that fits your skin,
And after you use it, can you say that there is
a difference?

If not; It is not working!
Your face should not feel dried out,
and not greasy.
 But rather soft and moist.

I do not use soap on my face unless it's an emergency!

My good friend at Deep Roots did a great post on coconut oil also,
Check out her link below!



  1. I love to read what works for different people, Roxy! I use coconut oil on my arms and legs to help with the dryness. xo Diana

  2. I just started using coconut oil to clean my face at night and take off my mascara. It works great!

  3. Coconut oil definitely the bomb! I also keep baby oil in a pump bottle and after showering and towel drying, I apply the oil with my damp wash cloth. It keeps it from being too oily and seems to keep the moisture in as well.
    Have a blessed weekend, Roxy!

  4. And you can tell it! Your skin is beautiful! I don't know your age, but I know you are younger than you look! Never heard of coconut oil. Will have to check that out. I have used and sold Mary Kay for years, but as I've gotten old, even the new products aren't working and my mother had beautiful skin so i should too, right??? So I've switched to Merle Norman. I've been using for a month and I can already tell a difference.

  5. I live in such a harsh dry climate and its easy to tell those women who have had lots of sun and done very little in the way of moisturiser. Their skin looks tough and leathery. I always use a sunscreen based moisturiser during the day (I have pale skin) to prevent sun burn and always use a night cream. I am yet to use coconut oil, but I will give it a go for the night times. Thankyou for the advice. As I approach my older years, this sort of information is very useful.

    PS do you melt down the coconut oil or use it solid?

  6. Wow, Roxy,
    Thank you for the mention! I see you use coconut oil for your skin, too. Isn't it the best?!!
    I have had you on my mind and am praying you are doing well after the storms you mentioned. I don't remember where I read that, though. I never did find out what happened with the dust storms...I am praying right now for you.
    May the Lord bless you richly in His grace and mercy. Hugs :)

  7. Hi Roxy, gosh, I could go on and on reading your posts! Love this one...I use coconut oil too! Going through menopause after a hysterectomy --my skin changed very quickly. It's soooo dry. I love Clinique and Olay products as well. I use the Olay anti-aging face wipes to remove my make-up. Regenerist cream when my face is super dry. I used Clinique for many, many years and now my daughter uses it as part of her routine. xoxo.


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!