Monday, April 7, 2014

Season Of Change...

Being a wife and mother and a grandmother is such a wonderful blessing.
But, I want to share something that is not spoken about as often as we should.
Life is all about seasons!
And we must learn the art of giving thanks for each season!

When you were a child "You spoke as a child"
Life was carefree and wonderful is the aspect of not being the adult,
And carrying all the responsibility.

When you were leaving girlhood and entering womanhood,
You blossomed and learned how to manage your own home.
And you began to learn to love your husband....
(This is an ongoing process)
Your family grew and arrows were added;
You were young and happy and was able to handle long days and much work.

Then, as we see all our children grow and leave home,
we again must move into another season.
This can require a whole new set ideas of managing our home.
Why; because I am not as strong and able to go at a fast pace
 like when I was younger. I am able to enjoy more
 things that allow me to sit down. Like crafting and sewing.
My favorite is journaling and Blogging!
Writing letters or making a phone call to encourage someone.

I am not running the marathon race now, but rather a daily sprint.
I must continue to run, because He has called me to this race.
His choosing, and His time frame.

I have sensed a bit of slowing down, yet my heart is as young
and filled with hopes and dreams as when I first became a woman.

My heart is still in love with the man of my youth.
My heart is still at home.
I continue to plant seeds.
I encourage and speak truth.

I am aging and I will embrace it all!
I will not be robbed of one single day or year!

I want to be able to give wise counsel and encouragement!
I want to be more specific in my prayers.
I want to use my energy wisely.
I want to show others how to manage their homes, not do it for them.
I want to help out where I can; I just can't carry it all!
We are called to train the younger woman, not take over their calling...


  1. You express your thoughts and feelings so beautifully. I can identify with much of thankful for another day always!

  2. Beautifully written, Roxy. I am right there with you and understand exactly what you wrote! xo Diana

  3. Hi Roxy! First of all, that photo of you is just precious.

    I think I understand your sense of seasons. I am in the 'Nana role' myself, and can't do the things I used to do in my youth. But we can still make a difference in the places we are called to be. Wife, Grandmother,'s all important. And you are perfect for it all.

    I am praying that your weather is improving.

  4. What a beautiful way to describe the seasons of life as a woman. Love this post!!!

  5. Roxy, You have so eloquently spoken what I have been trying to express to the love of my youth. I will be reading him this post. I know these words are from your heart and that the Lord put them there. Thank you!!!

  6. This is such a thought provoking post Roxy. Very well written and oh so true. I have been thinking about this a lot recently as I am now in a different season with both of my kids grown up. Thanks so much for shring your wisdom...I amd I know others apprecite it so much. Have a blessed evening...Vicky

  7. Hello, my sweet Roxy! My heart is always blessed when I visit your beautiful blog. Your posts are refreshing and I glean so much from you.

    This was well-written, dear friend. May the Lord continue to bless you and guide you!

    Sending love, hugs, and prayers your way!

    And I LOVE the picture of your mom on your sidebar - what a lovely lady :)

  8. I first need to second what Ceil said a beautiful picture of you!
    I thank you for your words and sharing, I am always gleaning here.
    I am blessed~

  9. Thank you Roxy, you are a blessing. My two kids are now grown, I am praying this season will be as blessed as the others:)

  10. I love this post Rox. It is always so good to remember the seasons of life… so like the seasons of the years, it helps to keep a proper momentum, and no be thrown off keel when we begin to feel different in our bodies and in our roles. Love the picture of your mama on your side bar. She looks like you.
    Love ya

  11. So beautifully said and you have made ageing sound far more appealing.


  12. You exude wisdom. Thank you for walking a few steps ahead of me and encouraging me. My youngest is 12 now. I have a house of young people. I refuse to waste time missing my little children. ~smile~
    Your friend,

  13. Hello, I have enjoyed your blog for some time now. I do believe that this one post has touched me more deeply than the others. I can sense the Holy Spirit speaking through your eloquence and emotion. As a younger woman, I feel encouraged and blessed by your words. Thank you for ministering to us.

  14. Roxy
    Your post came straight from the heart, I can tell.
    It's an inspiration to me and an encouragement.
    Thanks for sharing your thought so openly.

  15. Beautiful thoughts about Seasons. My daughter sang a song about Seasons at her college graduation. Thanks for reminding me to treasure each moment, each season with joy!

  16. You are always such an encourager Roxy. I have always loved the idea of going through seasons. I love this season I am in now, true I am not as strong physically, but the opportunities for ministering to others that I have now that I didn't have time for in my younger years make up for the loss of physical strength.

  17. I really enjoy visiting your blog!
    You have a way of encouraging us to except, and appreciate who we are, right where we are. This is so wonderful!
    You have such a way with words!
    (I know I've said this before but it's so true!)

  18. Hi Roxy, your post truly touched my heart today. I have been thinking about this as well. I just turned 51, and have been living with severe chronic pain for several years. Especially at times like now, when the pain is worse than normal it leaves me feeling shaken and a bit at odds with myself, not quite knowing what season of life I am truly in. It is one of those "I'm too young to feel this old" scenarios. But I too, want to embrace the next season of my life with joy and enthusiasm. Not only for myself but for the young women coming up behind me. I would like to set an example for them of endurance the way my mother and other dear ladies did for me. Without them and their faith in God and their spiritual strength, I would not know what to do now. I thank our heavenly Father everyday for the older women who have graced my life. It is a beautiful thing to be entering this season of life. Have a lovely evening ahead! With Love, Delisa :)

  19. What a great topic. Yes, seasons and embracing them. I have been learning more about this. I understand your meaning and it is important not to let ourselves rob any time at all. I never thought about it like that. You are so smart!

  20. Hello Dear Roxy,
    I finally made it to your blog, and what a lovely place you have here. I believe we have much in common, and I didn't even know it.
    I enjoyed my visit, and taking in all the beauty of your photos.
    This was a wonderful post, one that encouraged my heart. I too have slowed down, and at times I find it hard because I have always been a busy lady.I needed your heart felt encouragement Roxy, thank you!
    Joy! Debbie

  21. I have been wanting to stop by to say 'Hello'.
    This time for deep cleaning is so invigorating to me...It is about the importance of our homes and reflected in how we care for them and the people that LIVE there! Thank you Lord for our homes!

    I'm sorry I haven't been over to visit for a while and have missed catching up on your blog :) I'm praying for you, friend, and hoping you are doing well in the Lord.

    The sunshine is streaming in the windows to my right, and I think spring is really finally here. Have a great day!

  22. A precious post, Roxy! Thanks for sharing your wisdom without being pushy or insensitive. Your grace-filled words will encourage many hearts of every age, I'm sure! :)

  23. Shared this on Facebook on the Harvest Lane Cottage page tonight.
    Be blessed,


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!