Saturday, April 26, 2014

Training and Encouragement...

Hello, Who here does not need encouragement?

I just wanted to say thank you for leaving comments that
have encouraged me!

Encouragement can go a very long way...

So many women have gone to school to become skilled in a profession!
But where can we become trained and skilled at being a homemaker?

I think certain blogs can be a tool for learning some tips on being a homemaker!

But it is in the home and on the job that we really learn and glean
real life applications in this calling!

Keep growing and learning and you will
become a Godly Homemaker...
From Glory to Glory

Let us work while it is yet day!


  1. Hi worked :) Looking forward to joining the party on Wednesday! Blessings!

  2. Hi Roxy- I have never done a link up so will have to see if I can figure it out tomorrow. xo Diana

  3. It works, so well done - and will be very happy to contribute:))) I will see you on Wednesday:)


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!