Thursday, May 1, 2014

Arise And Get Up You Sleepy Heads...

File:Helen Allingham - The Staircase, Whittington Court, Gloucestershire.jpg

Artist: Helen Allinham

The staircase is used to ascend and to descend,
We are now in a place where we are being called to come down.
As to awake from your slumber!

Listen! I hear the "voice of my beloved!"

Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, and come with me.
Song of Songs 2:10

Happy Spring and may we awake from the slumber of winter's rest.
He is calling you "Arise"

The world seems like it is coming alive!
Shake off the dust, as it had begun to cling to your boots.
The dust is the lesser things.
My own thinking, laziness, and inactivity in the natural and spiritual.

He calls me by this precious name
"My Darling"
He considers me beautiful!

He has spoken this
Come with me!

Okay, so If He is calling us to come down from are room of slumber,
Then, will we be like children who roll over and go back to sleep?

Sometimes the transition from one stage to another is difficult.
(Remember Labor)
On one hand, I love change and adventure;
But on the other hand, I love the comfort of the sameness...

I think we need to strengthen our legs and especially our thighs,
As I read an interesting article, that said a key for a longer time frame to live-in
 un-assisted as we age was seen in those
Women who had stronger thighs (Not Larger)

Arise, and get up my darling, we have laid around long enough!
We have work to do!
Cleaning and planning and doing our Father's business!
Find ways to strengthen the hands that hang down.

I want to share a word of courage and faith with you!
We are more than little fire flies,
But if you feel your light is very little in comparison to others;
You need to know this today, the older or more tired you get.
It is in this darkness of days and maybe getting closer to the night season.
It is this;
Your little light will be brighter, the darker it gets...


  1. Amen - Your little light will be brighter the darker it gets. Pure and steady and unwavering-even though small...much better than the big FLASH which soon burns itself out. xo Diana

  2. As always, you do such wonderful analogies Roxy! We all need to arise and let our light shine! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  3. I am always so challenged by your words! And you do it in such a kind and beautiful way!

    Thank you for linking-up last week at Beauty Observed. It is always a joy to have you!


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!