Saturday, May 24, 2014

My Eyes Have Seen The Glory Of The Lord...

My eyes have seen the glory of the Lord;
His truth is marching on...

Billows of clouds cover the mountain tops;
Darkness looms over the vast empty prairies
The tumbleweeds roll and roll...

His truth will not be stopped, it is in the very foundations of this soil.
His fingerprint is upon each grain of sand!

My eyes have seen His glory;
I have seen the glory in the eyes of a man who has fought on the battlefield,
 and now the war in his own mind.

I have seen the glory in a Mothers and Fathers eyes after the birth of a child.
And the glory in a tear that has fallen from the very same eyes of,
A parent who has lost a child to soon.

I have seen the glory in the eyes of a couple exchanging their marriage vows
 When these words were spoken;
I Do...

I feel His Glory when I kneel and pray!

His Glory is everywhere;
From the tallest mountain to the depths of the sea!

I can hear Him in the wind,
I can smell Him in the flowery fragrance blowing in my windows!

I saw His majesty lighting up the sky;
Behold, I see our flag waving valiantly...

His truth is marching on...
Glory, Glory Hallelujah


  1. Roxy, dear Roxy, this post gave me chills (in a good way). Thank you so much for writing these words - they blessed my heart.

    Have a wonderful Memorial Day. Love and hugs!

  2. Oh if we would only look to God's glory in everything that we do. Beautiful post.

  3. What a beautiful post Roxy! You never fail to inspire and make me think. God's glory is ever present...we just sometimes fail to see it. Thank you for this thought provoking post. You are such a sweet blessing.

    Hugs, Vicky

  4. This is lovely Rox, almost like poetry.

  5. Great post, Roxy! You have a way with words. :)

  6. Dear Roxy, Just beautiful my friend. Your words are heart touching and written with love. Thank you for sharing your talents.
    Very inspiring.
    Happy Memorial Day.

  7. Blessings to you this Memorial Day.

    We moved on Wed. and everything went smoothly.
    Yesterday we rec'd a contract on our home.

    Thank you for your prayers for us.

    God bless your day.


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!